Ron Johnson/Arizona SCM State Meet

Is going to be November 9-11 at ASU.....great time to come to Arizona! Info is posted now at:
  • Right now, I don't know how many people have signed-up for the meet but the size has varied over the years. It was at about 230 a few years back but has dropped down to around 100 for the last couple of years. Word 'round the campfire is that Michael Collins is bringing the NOVA team from SoCal to support this meet. Plus, we will probably get several folks from San Diego at this meet as well. I would not expect a huge meet but this year it will probably be in the 150-180 range. That is a guess on my part though...
  • Right now, I don't know how many people have signed-up for the meet but the size has varied over the years. It was at about 230 a few years back but has dropped down to around 100 for the last couple of years. Word 'round the campfire is that Michael Collins is bringing the NOVA team from SoCal to support this meet. Plus, we will probably get several folks from San Diego at this meet as well. I would not expect a huge meet but this year it will probably be in the 150-180 range. That is a guess on my part though...
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