XII FINA World Masters Registration Online

XII FINA World Masters Championships Information Booklet Now Available Event Registration Now Available Competitors in the XII FINA World Masters Championships 2008 can now register for all their events at www.2008finamasters.org/. The full range of disciplines are available for registration, including swimming, diving, synchronised swimming, water polo and open water swimming. Coaches and managers are also able to register. Volunteers will be able to register soon. If you have already registered and paid we will send you an email about how you register for your events. If you have subscribed for information, your subscriber username and password will not work in the registration system. You will need need to register and pay the applicable fees to get a competitor username and password. If you have any questions about registration you'll be able to ask them at the website http://www.2008finamasters.org. If for any reason you cannot register on the website, email mastersrego@wasct.wa.gov.au or ring our message service in Australia (61 8) 9441 8361 and we'll post you a set of registration forms. Information Booklet Now Available The event information booklet is now available to download from the XII FINA World Masters Championships 2008 website http://www.2008finamasters.org. The booklet has lots of information on the sports, facts about Western Australia, travel and tourism updates, registration and an event calendar. The file can be downloaded with Adobe Reader. If you have not got Adobe Reader, please go to http://www.adobe.com/ to download this software for free. Please note that the information booklet is quite a large file and may take a few minutes to download. If you have any trouble downloading this file, email mastersrego@wasct.wa.gov.au and we will email you a copy or ring Australia (61 8) 9441 8361 and we'll post the Information Booklet.