We Love the February Fitness Challenge so much...we decided to try our own version, long course style.
Track your distance in long course meters for the month of June. Start your summer out right. This event is designed to encourage swimmers to get to the pool and workout.
Fun and easy to do. Download the entry. Track your distance each workout for the month of June. (Convert short course to long course meters if necessary.) Send in the entry with your entry fee. Or get some buddies together and send in your entries as a group. T-shirts and Caps available. Shortest distance entered receives a special "Shark Bait" Award.
The June Long Distance Challenge is hosted by YMCA Indy SwimFit.
Entry available at www.indyswimfit.com/documents/JuneLongDistanceFitness2006Entry.pdf
Hi Craig,
If you would like to swim in this event in a short course yard pool, you can use the conversion formula on the entry to convert the distance to meters. If you take a look at the entry, there is extra space for putting your yards total and converting it to meters. Most postal events are tallied in yards and people swimming meters have converted their distance to yards, so this event is only different in asking for the opposite.
Since some people have access to long course meters in the summer months only. And a lot of people have trouble getting 'pysch'ed up for long course season. We thought this event, recorded in meters would be motivating.
This event is not intended to be exclusive, anybody that has access to a pool, whether it be short course yards or meters or odd distances like 33 yards or 20 meters can enter. As long as you know your total distances for each day and can record them correctly, you should be good to go.
Hope that is more clear.
Kris Houchens