2004 Postal Pentathlon Entry Form

The 2004 Postal Pentathlon entry form is found through the following link: www.minnesotamasters.com/.../Entry_Form_2004.pdf
  • I did my first (and only so far) postal early December. I swam for 30 minutes and my buddy documented my lengths. I then filled out the form from O*H*I*O masters (who were sponsoring the event) with the distance I swam, and my buddy signed as a witness and I sent it in. I will then be stacked against others my age and sex. I also bought a T-shirt. I liked it and it was nice for someone like me, in the military, who has to join a different masters group every 2-3 years. Additionally, my luck is I deploy whenever a meet comes up, so these postals are a way for me to compete.
  • I did my first (and only so far) postal early December. I swam for 30 minutes and my buddy documented my lengths. I then filled out the form from O*H*I*O masters (who were sponsoring the event) with the distance I swam, and my buddy signed as a witness and I sent it in. I will then be stacked against others my age and sex. I also bought a T-shirt. I liked it and it was nice for someone like me, in the military, who has to join a different masters group every 2-3 years. Additionally, my luck is I deploy whenever a meet comes up, so these postals are a way for me to compete.
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