On Friday, October 11th, 2002, Pacific Masters reached a milestone by registering it 10,000th member for the year. Michele Heinz of the Santa Clara Swim Club was the 10,000 registered member this year.
Pacific Masters, the largest regional orgization of United States Mastes Swimming, became the first LMSC to hit the five digit number. Last year Pac Masters was within striking distance of the magic number at year end but finished with 9700 registered swimmers.
Pacific has enjoyed ten years of sustained growth, increasing the membership by about 500 swimmers a year.
"This is really a tribute to the coaches, meet directors and all the volunteers who have worked tirelessly for the athletes" said Chairman Michael Moore. "With the continued support of these volunteers and the emphasis now being placed on physical fitness, I am sure we will continue grow.
There you go again Phil. California is not any slimmer than the United States as a whole. In fact, my old county Orange has a higher rate of overweight children than the US as a whole. ter. A big reason is a lot of the Children are not the children of upper-middle class people but those of immirgrants whose parents tend to work a couple of jobs to support the family,while the children are in less organized sports and tend to eat junk food more. Stop comparing your experance which is more upper-middle class than the reality of people who are not in the upper-middle class who don't workout as much. And even members of the upper-middle class have people who don't workout. There are plenty of upper-middle class kids too in Orange before someone blasts me for my statement But the fact that hispanics will make up the majority by 2025 in California with a higher than average diabetes rate, is something of concern considering their eating and excercise habits.
There you go again Phil. California is not any slimmer than the United States as a whole. In fact, my old county Orange has a higher rate of overweight children than the US as a whole. ter. A big reason is a lot of the Children are not the children of upper-middle class people but those of immirgrants whose parents tend to work a couple of jobs to support the family,while the children are in less organized sports and tend to eat junk food more. Stop comparing your experance which is more upper-middle class than the reality of people who are not in the upper-middle class who don't workout as much. And even members of the upper-middle class have people who don't workout. There are plenty of upper-middle class kids too in Orange before someone blasts me for my statement But the fact that hispanics will make up the majority by 2025 in California with a higher than average diabetes rate, is something of concern considering their eating and excercise habits.