You're ALL invited to join us for the 3rd annual VO2 Min Meet on Saturday, June 15. It's held at the Wall Aquatic Center on the Northern Arizona University campus in Flagstaff AZ. It's also a benefit for the women's swim program at NAU, so it's for a good cause. Please see the Arizona Master's Swimming web site (www.arizonamasters.org/meets.htm) for meet info.
The Wall Aquatic Center is an indoor 50-meter pool with 25-meter capability. It's been used by many athletes from international teams for their high-altitude training, as a part of the programs offered by the High Altitude Sports Training Complex (www4.nau.edu/.../index2.htm).
We're at 7000 feet altitude in Flagstaff. The swimming is tough & you can be prepared to take a hit in your swim times. A number of us who train there regularly reckon on shedding a few seconds per hundred when we race at lower elevation.
Arizona Mountain Masters hosts a buffet and social after the swimming is done. It's a great opportunity to enjoy some time in the pines and see great local sites like the Grand Canyon.
Hope to see you there!
Mel Dyck
the Arizona Master's Swim web site is temporarily down, so that the information for the VO2 Min Meet listed at the above-mentioned URL will be unavailable.
It CAN be found on the Arizona Mountain Masters web page (www.infomagic.net/.../).
I've included information about motels close to the pool along with a map and some directions. Meet results for the last two years are posted and the meet records (unofficial Arizona State High Altitude Records) are also available.
Hope everyone is making plans!