The Entry Form and Information for the 2002 St Croix Coral Reef Swim is now posted on this web page:
We look forward to those friends who will return to share the excitement and to those who will make this year’s event their first. Once again, all the activities will take place around the beautiful Buccaneer Resort, St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, and Buck Island, a US National Monument named as “one of the world's top ten beaches.” (National Geographic)
Hi Rob,
I hope to hear from American Airlines soon with some sort of discount -not sure what but they have been very good to us in the past. I'll announce the details as soon as I get them.
Have not thought about awards for those that swim both events -and visit the world famous (gotta see it to believe it) beer drinking pigs but that sounds like a good idea.
Who needs a steel tape -We just sit up at The Buccaneer's Terrace Resturant overlooking the Caribbean and point to a spot and say....."the buoy should go right about -there".......
Hi Rob,
I hope to hear from American Airlines soon with some sort of discount -not sure what but they have been very good to us in the past. I'll announce the details as soon as I get them.
Have not thought about awards for those that swim both events -and visit the world famous (gotta see it to believe it) beer drinking pigs but that sounds like a good idea.
Who needs a steel tape -We just sit up at The Buccaneer's Terrace Resturant overlooking the Caribbean and point to a spot and say....."the buoy should go right about -there".......