The USMS Newsletter was distributed electronically to all LMSC Officials Chairs, Chairs, and Officials Committee Members. Our committee recommended also posted here for wider distribution. This is my first attempt at posting an attachment to the forum, so we'll see how it goes. :) This version also has some editing to fit the file size limits for the forum.
Please feel free to distribute to Meet Directors, Referees, LSC Officials, and others in your LMSC.
One of the regular features of the newsletter will be guidance from the Rules Committee and situations from meets around the country. I would certainly welcome items for inclusion in future editions. Please send us yours as well as any feedback or suggestions on agenda items for the Officials Committee.
One of the things we hope to do in the future is have officials committee members monitoring this forum and posting more regularly.
Best Regards,
Charlie Cockrell
Officials Committee Chair
United States Masters Swimming, Inc.