Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wed, Dec 2, Meter Pool Warm-Up (400-800) 100-200 Swim 100-200 Kick 100-200 D/S by 25s (2-4) x 50 descend 1-2, 3-4 Main (1000-1800) Time yourself. Check pace. Try to hold same pace per 100. Lanes 4,5,6 400 Swim 400 Pull 300 Swim 300 Pull 200 Swim 200 Pull Lane 7,8: Skip 400s, start with 300s Lane 7,8: ? x (2 x 50 descend) with time left Cool-Down (100-200) (4-8) x 25
  • Friday, Dec 4, Meter Pool This is a great workout with all stroke count. Swimmers get surprisingly tired from doing the stroke correctly. Finishing with sprints worked out well. Warm-Up (550-1000) 350-700 (1-2) x (200 Swim, 50 Drill, 100 Kick) 200-300 Pull Main (1300-1500) 2 x 50 25 Swim w/ fists, 25 regular swim; 1-arm 4 rt/4lft 4 x 25 Free, count. 2 x 50 Free, count. 100 Free Repeat above pulling with no paddles, count. (4 x 25, 2 x 50, 100) Repeat above swimming, choice, count (4 x 25, 2 x 50, 100) (4-8) x 50 Swim. Concentrate on long strokes, dps. 4 x 25 Sprint. All together. KICK. Cool-Down (200) Easy pull or swim.
  • Monday, Dec 7, Yard Pool This was a great workout. I found it in the November issue of SwimmingWorld in an article about Bobby Patten. Everyone was very tired, but felt great about the challenge! Warm-Up (500-1000) 300 (50 swim/25 drill) x 4 300 Pull 4 x 75 D/S/D #1 c.u. free: #2 3R/3L fly, back or free: #3 FT drag free, #4 Chg 3 w/3 back or free 100 Choice Main ( 1200-1800) 6 sets of (3 x 100) 3 x 100 on 2:25, 2:15, 2:00, 1:45 or 1:35 3 x 100 on 2:15, 2:05, 1:50, 1:35 or 1:25 3 x 100 on 2:20, 2:10, 1:55, 1:40 or 1:30 3 x 100 on 2:10, 2:00, 1:45, 1:30 or 1:20 3 x 100 on 2:15, 2:05, 1:50, 1:35 or 1:25 3 x 100 on 2:05, 1:55, 1:40, 1:25 or 1:15 Each column has the intervals for one lane. The fastest lane went on 1:35, 1:25, 1:30, 1:20, 1:25, 1:15. The interval dropped 10, went up 5, down 10, up 5, etc. Cool-Down Easy Swim
  • Wed, Dec 9, Meter Pool Warm-Up (900) 300 Swim 300 Kick 300 Pull Main (1200-1600) 600 3 x (4 x 50) as 50 d/50 k/50 p/ 50 s Some lanes went all free; some went 2 sets non-free and one set free. 600 Working on distance pace for 400, 800 2 x 100 Pull, 2 x 100 Swim, 100 P, 100 S 200-400 ? x (4 x 25) Easy, build, easy, fast on :40, :45, :50, :55 Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim
  • Mon, Dec 14, Meter Pool Warm-Up (500-900) 100 Easy swim 4 x 50 Swim. Count strokes. First two are free; other 2 are choice. Rest 10-15. 4 x 50 Pull (no paddles). Same as above. Compare number of strokes. 100 Swim, choice. 2 x 100 Pull, choice 100 Swim Main (1050-1650) 1. Think about your 800/1500 pace: 4 x 50 on :50, 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30 2 x 100 on 1:40, 1:50, 2:05 or 2:10, 2:15, 2:30 1 x 200 2. 50 Easy, recovery 3. Think about your 200-400 pace: 2 x 50 1 x 100 4. 50 Easy, recovery 5. Think about your 100 pace: 2 x 25 on :35, :40, :45, :50 1 x 50 6. 50 Easy, recovery 7. Repeat #1, #3, or #5 (depending on time) Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim
  • Monday, Dec 14, Yard Pool The emphasis is on distance per stroke (DPS), taking as few strokes as possible. WARM-UP (800) 200 Swim 200 Drill (4 x 50 chg 6, chg 6 w/ 3, chg 3, chg 3 w/3) 4 x 50 Kick on 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:15 200 Pull. Long stroke MAIN (1100) Free 150 (25-50-75 Count strokes, maintain DPS) 200 (2 x 100 Descend but maintain DPS) 150 (25-50-75 Count strokes, Pull) 200 (2 x 100 Descend, DPS) Choice 100 (25-50-25 Count, DPS) 100 (2 x 50 Descend, DPS) 100 Pull (50 if breaststroke or fly) 100 Kick MAIN #2 (300-600) (6-12) x 50 2 Kick, 2 Pull, 2 Swim (Swim are 25 “perfect stroke”/25 sprint) Repeat COOL-DOWN (100-300) Easy Swim
  • Tuesday, Dec 15, Meter Pool WARM-UP (700-900) 200-300 Swim. 200 Pull Free. 100 Pull 25 choice/25 free. 100-200 (2-4) x 50 as 25 D / 25 S (Catch-up, 3R/3L) 100 Swim MAIN (1300-1600) 100 25 D/25 S Free (FT drag, reach) 200 Swim. 75 Free/25 Non-free 300 3 x 100 Free on interval with 15 sec rest 400 2 x 200 Pull, Descend. On ______ 300 6 x 50 (1-3 choice, 4-6 free) on :50/1:00, :55/1:05, 1:05/1:15, 1:10/1:20, 1:30/1:45 200 4 x 25. 2 x 50 Count strokes. Choice. 100 Swim. Choice. State time before swimming. COOL-DOWN (100-300) Easy Swim.
  • Wed, Dec 16, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600) 100 Swim, free 100 Drill/Swim by 25 (Catch-up) 100 Swim, choice 100 Drill/Swim by 25 (3R/3L) Free, back, or fly 200 Pull Main #1 15 minute swim for distance. I helped count and will figure average per 100. Main #2 (600-900) (4-6) x 50 Kick on 1:05, 1:15, 1:25, 1:30, 1:45 (4-6) x 50 Pull on :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 1:30 (4-6) x 50 Swim on :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 1:30 Cool-Down Easy swim
  • Wed, Dec 16, Yard Pool This main set of 15 x 100 is one of my favorites because there are so many variations. It works well for a big group because the interval keeps everyone moving and no one laps anyone. Warm-Up (1000) 200-300 swim 4 x 75 as 25 chg 6/25 swim/25 chg 6. Streamline on your side!!! Rest 10-15 6 x 50 pull (1-3 w/ paddles, 4-6 w/o paddles) on :55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:15 4 x 25 count strokes. Main (1000-1500) 5 x 100 swim on 1:30, 1:40, 1:55, 2:10, 2:20. Aerobic. 4 x 100 pull on interval above -5 (1:25, 1:35, 1:50, 2:05, 2:15) 3 x 100 swim on same interval as pull. 2 x 100 swim on 1:20, 1:30, 1:45, 2:00, 2:10 1 x 100 pull, fast. Cool-Down (100-400) 2 x 50 drill/swim 2 x 50 kick Repeat
  • Thursday, Dec 17, Meter Pool WARM-UP (500) 100 Swim. 300 (25 K/ 25 D/ 25 S) x 4 Choice. Fins ok. 100 Swim. MAIN (1800) 400 8 x 50 on :50 or :55, 1:15, 1:45. Work on aerobic pace. Can do 1-4 on one stroke and 5-8 of another. 400 Try to hold the same pace as on the 50s. 300 6 x 50 on same interval + 5. Descend 1-3, 4-6. Do 3 of one stroke. 300 Pull. Free. 200 8 x 25 on :35, :40, :50. Count strokes on odd, sprint on even. 200 2 x 100. I’ll time you. 10 seconds rest. COOL-DOWN (200) 4 x 50 Easy. Choice.