Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, Oct 5 Warm-up (1000) 200 Swim, choice 200 Pull (100 w/o paddles) 12 x 50 Drill/Swim (fins okay) Back: #1 fly kick underwater (10) then kick 1st 25/swim 2nd 25 #2 3R arm-3 full-3L arm #3 Chg 3 w/3 Fly: talk about pull, elbows up; butter/flutter on 2nd 25 #4 underwater recovery #5 3R arm-3L arm Free: #6 chg3 w/3 #7 3R arm-3L arm #8 Catch-up #9 Straight are recovery ***: #10 *** pull with fly kick/Br pull with free kick ~fins off~ #11 2 kicks/1 pull; long glide on 2nd 25 #12 Exaggerate glide Main (800 -1600) 1-200 Swim (get everyone together after this; only faster lanes will do this) Ln 4: 200; Ln 5: 175; Ln 6-7: 150; Ln 8: 100 2-Swim free – 1st 25 full catch-up 3-Swim (2nd 25 non-free) 4-Swim free, long stroke, early catch 5-Swim free, faster than #4 6-Swim choice, recovery 7-Pull 8-Swim, choice. Stop at 100 to get time. Cool-Down (100-200) (4-8) x 25, count
  • Friday, October 7 Warm-Up (1000) 200 Swim 200 Pull 200 Kick 200 D/S by 25 200 K/S by 50 Main (1000-1500) Set interval for 10-15 sec rest (2-3) x 100 Swim (2-3) x 100 Pull (2-3) x 100 Kick (2-3) x 100 Swim (2-3) x 100 Pull Cool-Down (100-200) (2-4) x 50 easy
  • Friday, Sept 30 Warm-Up (1000) 600 free as 100 swim, 100 pull (no paddles), 100 pull (w/ paddles), 100 swim (paddles/fins), 100 swim w/ fins, 100 swim 300 Kick as 6 x 50 on 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:30, 2:00) 100 Swim, choice Main (1200-1500) 4 x 50, choice, on :55, 1:05, 1:10, 1:30, 1:50 200 Pull, free, no paddles 3 x 50, choice 200 Pull, free, with paddles 2 x 50, choice 200 Swim, choice, easy 1 x 50 for time 100 easy recovery 3 x 100 hold an even pace, on 1:45, 1:55, 2:10, 2:20, 2:50 Cool-Down (100) 4 x 25 long and strong
  • Monday, Oct 10 Warm-Up (1200) 300 Free (100 Swim/50 Catch-Up) x 2 ~Paddles on; no buoy~ 200 Free (25 rt arm only/25 lft arm only/50 swim) x 2 ~Paddles off~ 100 Free swim ~Fins on~ 100 Fly drill (lay on stomach, arms extended – keep elbows up and pull both arms str back); 25 fly with underwater recovery (kick 2-3 with arms extended, head down/butt up; pull fly straight back and breath; head down as you finish pull; kick and bring hands up under your body; extend arms and start over; remember 2 kicks 100 Fly (25 rt arm only; 25 left only; 25 3 rt-3 lft; 25 butter/flutter – at least 3 strokes) 100 Back Kick 100 Back (25 3rt only-3 lft only/25 swim) x 2 100 Back swim (50 with fins/50 without fins) 100 Swim choice Main (1200-1400) 400 (100 swim/200 pull/100 swim), choice ~Fins on~ 400 (100 swim/100 kick) x 2, choice ~Fins off~ 200-300 Swim (200 if non-free; 300 if free). Keep stroke long and use hips! 200-300 (50 pull/50 swim, no paddles) Cool-Down (200) 200 swim (50 hard/50 easy/50 moderate/50 easy)
  • Wednesday, Oct 12 Warm-Up (1100) 200-300 Swim (every 4th length is catch-up) 200 Pull (think almost catch-up) 100 Kick, choice 100 *** Pull (50 with fly kick/50 with free kick) 100 Kick *** or alternate 25 fly k/25 fr k with board 100 *** swim (can use fly or fr kick) 100-200 swim, choice Main (1400) Distance swimmers-work on maintaining a good pace Stroke swimmers-work the 50s; use the longer swims for recovery 50s should have an interval for 10-15 sec rest. There is no interval on 100s because you have an extra 30 sec rest. 2 x 50 100 Rest 30 3 x 50 150 Rest 30 4 x 50 free pull 200 swim with paddles (25 rt only/25 lft/50 3 rt-3 lft/100 swim) Rest 30 3 x 50 150 Rest 30 2 x 50 100 Cool-Down (150-300) (2-4) x (25K/25D/25S)
  • Friday, Oct 14 Warm-Up (1100) 600 (100 swim/100 pull/100 kick) x 2 500 as 10 x 50 (odd k/s, even d/s: #2,4 catch-up; #6,8 almost c.u.; #10 choice) Main (1200) 300 broken at each 100 to check pace, choice 200 as 4 x 50 with 10 sec rest; descend, choice 100 for time, choice. I will time each lane 100 easy, recovery 200 alternate 25 chg 6 (6 kicks) with 3 strokes/25 swim 300 pull Cool-Down (200-400) (4-8) x 25 Kick fly underwater then count strokes to wall (back, fly or free) (2-4) x 50 easy
  • Monday, October 17 Warm-Up (1125) 200 Swim, choice. Everyone stop together. ~Give out sheet on Streamline Turns ~ 200 Swim, choice. All turns should be streamlined! 300 as 4 x 75 (swim, drill, swim). Choice. 300 as 4 x (Kick, drill, swim). Fins okay. 125 as 5 x 25 with “perfect” push-off. #1,2 free (almost c.u.), #3-5 choice. End at other end. Main (1225-1625) 200 as 4 x 50, choice. May start from blocks, wall, or in the water. Streamline start! 400 as 4 x 100 choice. 25 Sprint. 400-600 (2-3) x 200 Pull on 3:00, 3: 30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 ~Fins on~ 200-400 as (2-4) x 100 (25 kick/50 swim/25 kick). Can use a kickboard. On 1:45, 2:05, 2:15, 2:30, 3:00 Cool-Down (100) Easy swim.
  • Wednesday, Oct 19 Warm-Up (650-1200) Ln 4---------Ln 5-----Ln 6-------Ln 7-----Ln 8 Swim 300 ----300-----250--------200-----150 Pull 5 x 100--4 x 100--4 x 100----3 x 100-- 2 x 100 Drill/Swim 4 x 50 Ln 8:3 x 50 (choice) Lanes 4-:4 x 50, Lanes 7-8: 3 x 50 12 ½ one arm /12 ½ swim Main Set 1 (450-700) 4 x 25 Sprint (1-2 same stroke; 3-4 same stroke) on :35, :40, :45, :45, :50 Switch lanes as needed: lanes 4-5 work on 400; lanes 7-8 work on 200. Decide goal time for meet on 400 or 200. Swim 100 or 50 and try to hit that pace. 400 lanes: 4 x 100 on 2:00 or 2:30; 200 lanes: 4 x 50 on 1:50 or 2:15 100 easy recovery Set 2 (700) Back to regular lanes ~Fins okay~ 4 x 100 as 25 kick/50 swim/25 kick 3 x 100 on interval for 15 sec rest. Cool-Down (100-200) 4 x 25 count 100 easy
  • Friday, October 21 Warm-Up (750-1100) Ln 4-5: 400 as 100 Swim/50 Catch-up/100 Swim/50 Almost Catch-up/100 Swim (almost cu) Ln 6-7: 300 as 50 swim/50 catch-up/50 swim/50 almost catch-up/100 Swim (almost cu) Ln 8: 200 as 50 swim/50 catch-up/50 swim/50 almost catch-up 100 Pull (50 one-arm only/50 4R-4L) 200 Pull ~Fins on~ 100 Swim with fins (until everybody stops), choice 4 x 25 Kick fast (I’ll start) 50-100 Kick 4 x 25 sprint with fins, choice on :35, :40, :45, :55 Main (1250) Choose to work on 200 or 400 pace. Stay in usual lane. 2 x 50 or 2 x 100 to establish pace. 200 or 400 for time. Try to hold pace. All go together, I’ll call out times. You subtract. 100 Easy 350 Pull (200 long and strong, rest 20-30, 100 faster, rest 20-30, 50 fast) 100 IM (sub free where necessary) while all finish pulls Relays from the blocks. 50 each free 50 each as medley Cool-Down (100) Easy swim
  • Saturday, Oct 22 I was swimming alone on Sat and this workout was good for me. I’ve swum hard and lifted weights so I just wanted some relatively easy swimming. There are various sets done this week when I coached. 300 Swim. All turns should be streamlined! 500 Pull as 5 x 100. Interval for 10-15 sec rest 200 Drill/Swim 200 as 4 x 50, 12 ½ one arm /12 ½ swim. Rest 10-15 300 as 4 x 75 (swim, drill, swim). Choice. 4 x 100 as 25 kick/50 swim/25 kick 300 as 4 x (Kick, drill, swim). Fins okay.