Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Friday, May 20, Substiture coach. I went to SwimFest! Monday, May 23, Meter Pool Warm-Up (900-1000) 200 Swim 200 2 x (25S/25K/25D/25S) S,K,D,S rest 15, repeat 300 3 x 100 Pull (rest 15 sec) 200 Kick 100 Swim (4 x 25 with eyes closed). Interesting to see which way you veer. Main (1600) Lanes 4-6 100 Easy free. Establish pace. 200 Try to hold pace. 300 3 x 100 on interval for ≤ 15 sec rest 400 Pull 300 Swim. Check time at 100 for pace. 200 4 x 50, choice on interval ≤ 15 sec rest 100 Easy Main (800) Lanes 7-8 2 x 50 fly/free or ***/free 3 x 50 #1 back; #2 free; #3 back 200 Pull. Recovery 150 Swim. 50 free, 50 non, 50 free 4 x 25 Odd build, even fast 100 IM Cool-Down (100-200) 4 x 25, 100 easy
  • Monday, May 23, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1000) 400 Swim 150 free / 50 choice / 150 free / 50 choice 100 Swim 4 x 25 with eyes closed. Adjust stroke. 100 Pull free without paddles 100 Swim free 100 Pull free with paddles 100 Swim free with paddles 100 Swim free Drill Set (150) Pull *** over lane line as demo 50 Pull *** ½ way, add kick. Rest at 25 as needed. Underwater pull out: glide 3, pull to hips and glide 2, kick to surface and glide 1. Swim 50 Swim ***. Backstroke 25 Push off with arms extended, kick 6-8 times. Check body position. 25 Repeat and swim 25. Think: head position, roll to side and pull on side. Fingertips never up. Main Set (1600) 100 count strokes (free or 50 free/50 non) 200 swim, long stroke (free or alternate non/fr by 50) 300 pull, keep it long 300 swim (free or alt non/fr) 200 as 25 rt arm only / 25 swim / 25 left only / 25 swim / 50 4rt-4lft / 50 swim 100 swim, good effort 100 drill/swim, recovery 150-300 (3 x 50 descend) x 2 Cool-Down (50-100) Easy swim
  • Wednesday, May 25, Meter Pool Warm-Up (900) 300 Swim, 75 free/25 non ~ Go to deep end~ (200) Line up on wall. Leave space to kick ***. Hold on to wall, kick *** vertically. With knees against the wall, your kick will self-correct. Vertical *** kick. Hands can assist or be held up. Keep kick narrow. ~Back to the shallow end. Try kicking *** on back – knees do not come out of water. Fins on 50 *** pull with noodle / flutter kick. Keep pull in front of chest. 50 as 25 *** pull with flutter kick; 25 br pull with fly kick. Fins off 50 Pull stop Kick stop. Head down between outstretched arms at end of pull. 200 Pull free 100 Swim free 100 Pull, choice Main (1400) (150-250) Lanes 4-5: 5 x 50. Lane 6-7: 4 x 50. Lane 8: 3 x 50. Odds are free on: :55, 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:30 Evens are choice on: 1:00, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45 (150-300) Lanes 4-5: 6 x 50, Lane 6: 5 x 50, Lane 7: 4 x 50, Lane 8: 3 x 50 Pull free (150-300) Kick. Odds free with board; evens choice. I’ll start each lane. 6,6,5,4,3 (150-250) Lanes 4-5: 5 x 50. Lane 6-7: 4 x 50. Lane 8: 3 x 50. Odds are free on: :55, 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:30 Evens are choice on: 1:00, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45 (300) 3 x 100 #1 choice, #2 free, #3 choice 1:55, 2:05, 2:15, 2:30, 3:00
  • Wed, June 1, Meter pool Warm-Up (1000) 400 (100 Swim; 100 Drill/Swim by 25) x 2 300 Pull 200 Kick, choice 100 Kick with board (good time for *** kick) Main1 (1300) *The last 100 or each set of swims can be non-free. Rest an additional 20-30 seconds after swim sets to allow non-free to rest. Go right from pulls into swims. 300 (3 x 100 swim) ~ rest ~ 200 (2 x 100 pull) 300 (3 x 100 swim) ~ rest ~ 200 (2 x 100 pull) 300 (3 x 100 swim) Intervals for 100s: 1:40, 1:50, 2:05, 2:20, 2:45 Main2 (200-400) (3 x 50 descend + 1 x 50 recovery) x 2 Intervals for 50s: 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 2:00 Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim
  • Friday, June 3, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600) 100 Swim, choice 100 Free drill (25 chg 6 / 25 chg 6 with 3 / 25 chg 3 / 25 chg 3 with 3) 100 Back drill same as above 100 Pull free with paddles. Think about extension and catch. Pull shoulder width. 100 Pull choice, paddles optional 100 Swim, choice Main (1700) (600) 2 x 100 on 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:30 (Lane 8, skip these 100s) 4 x 50 on :50, :55 or 1:00, 1:00 or 1:05, 1:20, 1:40 8 x 25 I’ll time start you and time you on even numbers. Odds are build or recovery. (600) 3 x 75 on 1:20, 1:30, 1:45, 2:00, 2:30. A good chance to mix it up. Easy 25 to return to start. 3 x 50 on same interval as earlier 50s 8 x 25 I’ll time again. (500) 2 x 100 One fast, one easy. No interval. 2 x 50 One fast, one easy. No interval. 8 x 25 again. Cool-Down (100-400) Easy swim
  • Monday, June 6, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1200) 200 free swim 100 free drill: left only, right only, 4 rt/4 lft, 3 rt/3/3lft 100 free swim ~fins on~ 100 back drill: chg 6, chg 6 w/3, 3 rt/3lft, 3 rt/3/3lft 100 back swim 100 fly drill: rt arm only, left arm only, 3 rt/3lft, 3 rt/3/3ft As arm enters the water, chest and head go down, hips come up, kick down here 100 *** drill: 50 pull with noodle – fly, free or *** kick, 25 pull w/ fly K, 25 pull w/ fr K ~fins off~ To deep end – kick by wall (feet behind knees), vertical kick *** 50 swim ***: 25 pull stop kick stop, 25 swim with glide Vertical kick fly; vertical fly – go to bottom with arms above your head, pull fly to bring yourself to the surface Swim to shallow end 100 IM drill (fly, bk, fr 3r/3l, *** 2 kicks with 1 pull) 100 IM swim (can butter/flutter) Main (1400) 400 free swim, no buoy (100 with fins, 100 with fins and paddles, 100 with paddles, 100 swim) 300 (50 drill non-free/ 50 swim non-free / 50 swim free) x 2 200 swim, choice 200 kick, choice 300 pull (75 free/25 non-free) no paddles
  • Wednesday, June 8, Meter Pool Warm-Up (800-1000) 100-300 Swim. Everyone end together. 400-500 (8-10) x 50. 3 x (#1 25 Kick/25 Swim, #2 Kick, #3 Swim). #10 Kick. 200 catch-up drill. 50 c.u. touch hands. 50 c.u. hands at shoulder width, count 2 kicks with both arms extended before stroking. Repeat Main 1 (800 or 1200) 300 Swim/Pull Free 300 Pull/Swim faster than above. Do the slower first, pull or swim. Faster second. Choice here: 200 Swim/Pull 200 Pull/Swim OR Work on underwater back kick Practice off a start. Then I’ll time you 1/2 way swimming and just kicking underwater. On this one, at least 25 is non-free 100 Swim/Pull 100 Pull/Swim Main 2 (200-400) (4-8) x 50 #1 Kick ½ way of each length, #2 Pull ½ way of each length, #3 Sprint, #4 Easy, choice. Repeat if time. Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim
  • Friday, June 10, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1000) 400 Swim (75 free/25 non-free or drill) 300 Pull. Think about extending your arm as you move your hips. 200 Backstroke SDK (Streamlined Dolphin Kick): Fins ok for part 1: 50 Push off underwater, dolphin kick on stomach, underwater as far as you can, easy to wall 50 Push off underwater, dolphin kick on back, underwater as far as you can, easy to wall Fins off for part 2: Repeat 2 x 50 from above w/o fins. 100 Swim (25 free/25 back) SDK off each wall. Experiment with how far. Main 1 (500) 100 (2 x 50) on 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:50. ~Rest 20-30~ 100 (2 x 50) on :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:25, 1:45 ~Rest 20-30~ 100 (2 x 50) on :50, 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:40 ~Rest 20-30~ 100 (2 x 50) on :45, :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:35) ~Rest 20-30~ 100 (2 x 50). Stop long enough to get your split. Flip Turns with Noodle 1. Hold ends of noodle, do somersault in middle of pool. Do not use your hands. 2. Kick with noodle in front, do somersault in middle of pool. Then try at wall. 3. Kick with noodle in back, do somersault at wall. 4. Kick with hands back, no noodle, do turn at wall. More next time. Main 2 (500) Pacing. Rest 15-20 seconds between each part. 25 moderate pace. 50 at same pace. 75 same pace. 100 same pace. ~Rest 20-30~ 100 same pace. 150 same pace. Cool-Down (100-500) Pull
  • Monday, June 13 Warm-Up (1000) 200-300 Swim, choice 100 Free swim. Think about wide entry (V). 400 (10 x 50) #1: Head up (water polo) for ½ of each length; head down for 2nd ½ . Watch hands. #3: Swim. Start from “superman position.” Wide entry. #4-5: Catch-up, hands wide, count 1-2 with both hands extended. #6: Almost c.u. #7-8: Almost c.u. with full c.u. as you breathe. 200 Swim, choice. Main 1 (900) 3 x 100 free. (50 full c.u./50 swim) 3 x 100 free (25 full c.u. / 25 almost c.u.) x 2 3 x 100 free (almost c.u.) Main 2 (600) 200 (100 pull with paddles/100 swim with paddles). Think about your wrist. 200 (100 pull / 100 swim) 200 as 8 x 25
  • Wednesday, June 15 Warm-up (800) •100-200 free. Think of wide “V” entry. •100 free as 50 full catch-up/50 almost catch-up. Don’t rush it. Reason for full c.u. is to get into position for high elbow catch. Remember to do full c.u. when you breathe. •50 free. Think about extending arm, but don’t roll shoulders too far and rest on extended arm. •50 free. 25 with long pull/25 with short pull. •50 backstroke. Think about pull – hand flat or fingers down. To do this, must have arm wide and hips rotated a little. Press down, bend elbow and bring it in (about 6 in from side). Fingers down and then sideways, never up. •50 back kick, toes touching. •100 free kick with board, toes touching. •100 pull free with paddles; think about wrist. •100 pull free w/o paddles; think about wrist. Main •Distance swimmers Broken 1500: 300 warm-up, set pace. On 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 3 x 200 build each 200 on 3:15, 4:00, 4:30, 5:30 3 x 100 maintain pace as you get tired. On 1:35, 1:50, 2:05, 2:30 3 x 100 descend •Stroke swimmers 750 as 3 x (3 x 50 descend + 100 fast) 250 as (50 fast, 2 x 25 build, 50 fast, 2 x 25 build, 50 fast). Cool-Down (100-300) 100-300 Pull