Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, March 9 Warm-Up (900) 100 Swim Free 100 Count strokes. Decrease # each length. Free. 100 (25 c.u. / 25 almost c.u.) 100 Count strokes. Keep each length at minimum #. ~Pick a stroke for next 4 x 50~ 50 Swim 50 Count strokes 50 Drill (Free, Back, or Fly: 4 rt only/4 left only; ***: Br pull with fly kick) 50 Count strokes ~Choice~ 200-300 (4-6) x 50 Pull. Mix it up. Count strokes. Rest 10-15 Main (1500-1700) 3 x 50 free (Ride the Glide – Extend and Bend – Rock and Roll) *Kerry O’Brien’s terms (3-5) x 50 free on interval for 15 sec rest. (3-4) x 50 free on interval for
  • Wed, Mar 9, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1000-1200) 300-400 Swim 8 x 50 (1-4 kick/swim; 5-8 drill/swim) (3-4) x 100 Pull, interval for 15 rest Main (1500) 8 x 50 Descend 1-3, 4 easy, descend 5-7, 8 easy 4 x 100 on 1:40, 1:55, 2:00, 2:15 (30 sec rest, figure best average) 2 x 200 Pull; #1 easy, #2 moderate Challenge: 3 x 100 with 5-10 sec rest (1:15-1:20, 1:30-1:35, 1:40, 2:00) Cool-Down (100-300) Easy Swim
  • Friday, Mar 11 Warm-Up (800) 100 Swim, free (no fins) ~Put on fins~ 100 Kick back or free 100 Swim, choice 100 Kick back or free 400 as 50 drill/50 swim (fins optional) Main (1800) 400 Swim, choice. I did 100 free then 4 x (25 back/25 ***/25 free). 2 x 200 Pull. Descend. Rest 20 sec; get lane together. 4 x 100 Swim on 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, 2:45 1 x 200 Swim, hold pace. 8 x 50 #1-4 steady pace on :50, :55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:30; rest 20-30 sec. #5-8 add 5 sec to interval. Cool-Down (100-200) Easy Swim
  • Monday, March 14 Warm-Up (1000) 200 Swim 300 (25 kick/25 drill/25 swim) x 4 500 (10 x 50). (#1 Pull/Swim, #2 Swim/Pull) x 3. (#7-10) Swim, descend. Main (1500) These 2 sets (100s and 50s) are to get your heart rate up, get ready to swim fast. (2-3) x 100 descend, good effort, interval for 20 sec rest. 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:10, 2:45 (2-3) x 50 descend, good effort, interval for 15 sec rest. :55, 1:00 or 1:05, 1:05 or 1:10, 1:20, 1:40 Timed 50, choice, fast. Next set is conditioning. Swimming a steady pace when you are tired. 200 Pull 200 Swim 4 x 100 200 Swim Cool-Down (100-200) (2-4) x 50
  • Wednesday, Mar 16 Warm-Up (1000) 200-300 Swim 200 Kick 200 Pull (4-6) x 50 D/S. Rest 10. Main (1100-1400) ▪Timed Swim – trying for even or negative splits: Freestyle:800 or 400. Non-free: 2 x 200, rest 20-30 sec. Everyone - Stop each 100 to get time. I will try to get as many splits as I can. ▪While everyone is finishing timed swim…(2-3) x 50, choice, count strokes ▪4 x 50 Kick. Rest 10. ▪200 Pull ▪200. Broken swim. Stop at 100 to get time. Cool-Down (100-300) Alternate 50 pull/50 swim. Easy) ***This worked well. I was able to get most splits. I printed out splits for swimmers, which they greatly appreciated.
  • Friday, March 18 Warm-Up (1000) 100 swim free 100 swim (25 non-free/25 free) 100 swim (25 choice/25 free) 100 Kick – fly or free (at least 50 with board) 100 Kick – backstroke or dolphin on back 100 Kick – breaststroke or choice (with or w/o brd). ~Fins okay~ 100 change 6 with 3 strokes (25 free/25 back) 100 swim (25 free/25 back) ~Fins off~ 100 drill/swim with paddles (25 lft only/25 swim/25 rt only/25 swim) 100 swim, choice Main (1400-1900) 10 x 50 (#1-4 are choice; #5-10 are free) Interval for 10-15 rest on all. 3 x 100 swim 3 x 100 pull 3 x 100 swim (2-10) x 50. Do last 2 as cool-down. ***I gave in to pressure and cut it short in order to do relays. That's always fun.
  • Monday, Mar 21 **This was very successful. The non-free swimmers were very happy to have the chance to do several sets non-free. Warm-Up (1000) 200 Free swim 200 Pull free 200 Kick, choice 200 Pull, choice 200 Swim, choice Main. Choose Freestyle or Non-free. Freestyle only. Do the following 3 times. (1500) 2 x 100 Swim 2 x 50 Kick 2 x 50 Pull 2 x 50 Swim OR Non-free. Do the following 3 times. The last set can be free. (1200) The first two 50s in each set are free. The 6 other 50s should be the same stroke (not free), except on the 3rd set. 2 x 50 swim free 2 x 50 Kick non-free 2 x 50 Pull non-free 2 x 50 Swim non-free Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim.
  • Wednesday, March 23 Warm-Up (1400) 400 Swim (75 free / 25 non-free or 25 catch-up) 300 Pull ~ Fins ok ~ 200 Drill, Back or Free (50 K on side / 50 Chg 6 / 50 Chg 6 with 3 strokes / 50 Chg 3 with 3 strokes) 100 Swim. Back with exaggerated roll or Free as almost catch-up. 250 Kick, choice. (25 / 50 / 75 / 100) ~Fins off~ 100 Swim (***, fly or free) Main (1300) 100 (4 x 25 sprint, choice). I’ll start each lane. 200 (2 x 100 on interval for 20-30 sec rest). Same stroke for both. Fast. 400 (4 x 100 Pull. 1st one easy, then gradually get faster) 200-400 (Lanes 4,5: 4 x 100 on _?__, 1:50; Lane 6-7: 3 x 100 on _?__; Lane 8: 3 x 50 on 2:00) 100-200 (2-4) x 50, count strokes, choice. Cool-Down 100-200 easy swim
  • Friday, March 25 Warm-Up (1100) 300 Swim 300 (25K/25D/25S) x 4 200 Kick 300 Pull Main (1000-1500) (5-10) x 100 Freestyle. Interval for 20-25 sec rest. (4-10) x 50 (as time permits) #1-3 Same stroke. #1 Drill/Swim, #2-#3 descend or steady pace. #4 Count strokes (25 free/25 choice) #5-7 Same stroke. #5 D/S, #6-7 descend or steady pace. #8 Free. Count strokes. #9 Fast, choice. #10 easy, choice. Cool-Down (100-300) 100-300 easy swim
  • Monday, Mar 28 Warm-Up (500-1000) 5 minute swim (100-300) 150-300 (2-4) x 75 as (25 drill/25 swim/25 drill). Rest 10 seconds after each 75. 100-200 Kick, choice (4-8) x 25. Odds: count strokes; Evens: build. On :35, :40, :45, :45, :55 Main (1400) Swim: 200 free or alternate 50 non/50 free 2 x 100, choice 4 x 50, choice Pull: 4 x 50, choice 2 x 100 free or 50 non/50 free 200 free Swim: 200 good effort, choice Intervals: Ln 4 – 3:20, 1:40, :50 Ln 5 – 3:40, 1:50, :55 Ln 6 – 4:10, 2:05, 1:05 Ln 7 – 5:00, 2:50, 1:30 Ln 8 – 6:00, 3:30, 2:00 Cool-Down (200) 4 x 50, Drill/Swim