Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Tuesday, Jan 25 I don't coach on Tuesday, but wanted to mention this workout. Coach Karen Mickunas had her swimmers do a warm-up and then the broken 1650 workout which many of you are familiar with. You go 11 lengths (275), rest 10-15, 10 lengths (250), etc. When you have gone from 11 to 10, you have done 66 lengths or 1650. You can subtract your rest and get an approximation of a time for 1650. I didn't do that workout because I counted for a few more people who wanted to do the One Hour Swim. After practice, Karen and I swam. We didn't want to do all free so we used the 1650 outline and got creative. I mention this because those of you who swim alone can create an easy workout if you have an outline for the main set. For instance, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 gives you a 1500 set. For this 1650 we did the following. 11 lengths (275) pull 10 (250) free swim 9 (225) pull 8 (200) IM 7 (175) modified IM. 25 fly/25 free/25 back/25 free/25 ***/25 free/25 choice 6 (150) 50 back/50 ***/50 free 5 (125) Kick 4 (100) Kick 3 (75) fly/back/*** 2 (50) easy swim 1 (25) easy choice
  • Wednesday, Jan 26 Warm-Up (1100) Free: 200 S 200 P 100 K ***: 50-100 K 50 (25 Pull w/ dolphin kick; 25 Pull w/ 3 dolphin and 2 br kick) 50-100 Swim Back: 100 Kick 100 (50 as 3 rt-3-3 lft) / (50 swim) 150 swim (50 bk/50 br/50 fr); may go 25 stroke, 25 fr Main (1400) 4 x 100 (25 non-free/25 free) or all free (25 3 rt-3 lft / 25 swim) on 2:00, 2:05, 2:15, 2:30, 3:00 100-150 Pull 3 x 100 same as above except drill is catch-up 100-150 Pull 4 x 50 descend 1-4 (all one stroke, choice) on 1:00, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45. 8 x 25 #1-4 count strokes, #5-8 sprint Cool-Down Easy swim
  • Friday, Jan 28 Part of the workout will be swimming in a meet in 2 weeks. I am starting some speed work with them, but keeping up distance with others. You will notice that there are choices in the main set. Warm-Up (1000) 300 swim (200 free/100 choice) 200 (25 swim/25 catch-up). Scull out so pull is shoulder width 100 free, almost catch-up 300 as (4 x 75) - 25 Drill / 25 Swim/ 25 Drill, choice. 4 x 25 Build/sprint on :30, :40, :45, :55 Main (1200) ►3 x 100 freestyle. Rest exactly 10 sec after each 100. Do not wait for anyone else. Put more effort into each one. OR 1 x 100 free moderate, rest 10 sec, fast 50 non-free, wait until others come around again, 1 x 100 free moderate. ►6 x 50 free, steady pace, on :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45 OR 3 x 50 non-free fast on 1:50, 2:10, 2:30, 2:40, 3:00. Do 1,3,5 of what freestylers do. ►1 x 300 free, good effort OR 1 x 200 non-free, steady pace ►Easy 100 or 200 to get lanes together ►Make 3 groups. Time everyone on 50 choice. Repeat if time. Cool-Down 200-300 pull or swim, easy
  • Monday, Jan 31 Again, there are choices for those going to the meet and those not going. Intervals for 100s should allow 15 sec rest. Intervals for 50s should allow at least 30 sec rest. Warm-Up (700) 100 swim free 100 (25 c.u./25 swim) 100 (25 drill/25 swim) choice 100 swim choice ~STOP. GET LANE TOGETHER.~ 100 bk, fly, or fr (kick 3-4 dolphin underwater, breathe as you surface, do 8 fast kicks, swim) 100 bk, fly, or fr (1-arm for ½ way, swim rest) 100 swim (build/sprint/build/sprint) Main (1100-1800) 4 x 100 (descend 1-2, 3-4), choice 6 x 100 (descend 1-3, 4-6) free OR 6 x 50 (descend 1-3, 4-6) 4 x 100 pull free OR (4 x 50, pull ½ of each length, then swim. No buoy, let feet drag.) 4 x 100 free descend 1-4 OR 2 x (2 x 25, 1 x 50) Cool-Down (2-3) x 100 (25 drill or count/25 swim, choice)
  • Wed, Feb 2 There is a meet in 2 weeks. That's why there are 2 main sets. Warm-Up (800) 100 Swim 100 Kick 100 D/S by 25s 2 x 25 Breathe on rt / Breathe on lft 6 x 25 Push-off/streamline/kick/swim after pass flags 300 (25-50-75-75-50-25). Swim. Count. May change strokes. Main (1700) Compare times for Swim and Pull at each distance. 400 Swim 400 Pull 200 Kick 200 Swim 200 Pull 100 Kick 100 Swim 100 Pull OR Main (800) 6 x 25 (2 sets of 3 x 25). I’ll time you. 2 x 50 Fast, with at least 1 min rest 100 Pull, easy 6 x 25 from middle; work on turn and streamline 1 x 100, fast 100 Kick, social 4 x 25, choice Cool Down 4 x 50, easy
  • Friday, Feb 4 Lane 7-8 are swimmers who are going to a meet. Warm-Up (900) 200 Swim free 100 (5 rt only/5 lft only) free or back. Breathe on both sides! 100 Swim free or back 200 (25K / 25S) 300 Pull Main 1 (500) 300 (6 x 50 Kick) on 1:05, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20 (Lane 8: 4 x 50 on 2:00) 200 or 100 easy swim Main 2 (600) Intervals - 1:55, 2:05, 2:15, 2:20, 3:00 3 x 100 Comfortable pace. No one should be out of breath. 3 x 100 A little faster. Same interval, but swims should be faster. •Lane 7,8: 3 x 50 comfortable pace. 3 x 50 faster. 1:30, 2:00 Main 3 (500) 10 x 50 in groups of 2. May swim free, non-free, pull or kick. Intervals are 1:00, 1:10, 1:20. •Lanes 7-8: 25s from the blocks If time, other lanes use blocks also Cool-Down Easy swim or pull.
  • Monday, Feb 7 Warm-Up (800-1000) 200-400 Swim 300 (25 Drill/25 Count/50 Swim) x 3 200 (25 Kick on side/25 Chg 6/25 Chg 6 with 3 strokes/25 Swim) x 2 100 Swim, think about streamline off walls Main (1500) OR (850 for Meet swimmers) 4 x 100 Pull OR 4 x 50 even or descend 2 x 100 Swim OR 2 x 50 fast 3 x 100 Pull OR 3 x 50 2 x 100 Swim OR 2 x 50 4 x 50 Kick 200 Swim (moderate) OR 100 Swim Cool-Down (200) 4 x 25 Count 100 Easy Swim
  • Wednesday, Feb 9 Everybody did sprinting today and it went well. The broken 100 was good, even the distance swimmers liked it. Warm-Up (600 - 1200) 200 Swim (Lane 8 go 100 of each) 200 Pull 200 Kick 200 D/S by 25 ~Get lane together~ 2 x 200 Swim, descend. Those going to meet: 2 x 100 descend, freestyle (this is w.u.) On 3:15, 3:40, 4:10 for 200s. On 2:30, 3:00 for 100s Main (1200) 200 as 8 x 25 Count strokes. IM order/2 of each. Can sub free. 200 moderate swim. Keep stroke count low. Choice (IM is good). 300 as 12 x 25. (1) Fly Kick w/ brd; (2)-(3) Fly w/ underwater recovery; (4) butter-flutter. Take at least 2 strokes fly, breathe, 2 more strokes; (5) – (12) Choice, fast 300 easy swim. Count strokes on 1st 25 of each 100 100 Broken 100. Three groups. 1st grp on :30; 2nd grp on :40; 3rd grp on 50 100 moderate swim. If time, another round of 4 x 25. Cool-Down (100-200) (2-4) x 50 Drill/Swim
  • Friday, Feb 11 Warm-Up (600-1000) 100-300 Swim 300 (25K/25D/25S) 200-400 as (4-8) x 50. #1 Streamline, kick 8 kicks after you surface, swim the rest of each length # 2-#3 12 ½ fast; 12 ½ easy for each length #4-#5 descend; #6-#8 repeat first 3. Main (1600) 8 x 50 at distance pace, aerobic, on :55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:15 200 drill/swim by 25. Drill is fingertip drag. Recovery 4 x 100 aerobic on 1:40, 1:50, 2:05, 2:15 4 x 50 pull. Recovery 2 x 200. Hold pace established above. OR Those going to meet. Do 25s off the blocks with turn. Then go home. Cool-Down Easy swim
  • Monday, Feb 14, Yard Pool This is a combination of the Friday morning and Monday morning workouts. This group meets at night, just Mon and Wed. Warm-Up (1100) 600 (100 Swim/50 Kick) x 4 ~fins off~ 200 (4 x 50) choice, count strokes 300 Pull Main 1 (700) ~fins on, all freestyle~ 100 (25 swim/25 K on side) x 2 100 (25 swim/25 chg 6) x 2 100 (25 swim/25 chg 6 with 3) x 2 ~fins off, still freestyle~ 100 (25 swim/25 chg 3 with 3) x 2 100 almost c.u. 100 swim 100 pull Main 2 (1000) 8 x 50 at distance pace, aerobic, on :50, :55,1:00, 1:10 4 x 100 aerobic on 1:20, 1:35, 1:40, 1:45, 1:50, 2:15 1 x 200. Hold pace established above. Cool-Down (200) 200 swim, choice