Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • I will be in Puerto Rico for LC Nationals. Karen, who coaches Tues/Thurs mornings is covering all of the workouts except Wed, Aug 11, at the yard pool. I prepared the workout below and one of the lifeguards will supervise. I printed out the warm-up and the main set for each lane in large print. Wednesday, Aug 11, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1100) 100-200 Swim 300 as 4 x (25 drill/75 swim). Continuous. Drills: catch-up, 3 rt only/3 lft only. Repeat drills. 2 x 200 Pull. Long and smooth. Rest 15-20 between 200s. 4 x 25 Count strokes, swim 4 x 25 Count strokes, pull. No paddles. Main (1500) 300 Swim. (Swim 200 easy. Stop long enough to read the clock. Time yourself on last 100.) 2 x 100 Descend. 2nd 100 should be faster than last 100 of 300. On 1:30, 1:40 or 1:45, 1:55, 2:00 or 2:10, 2:15 or 2:20. Pick an interval to have 10-15 sec rest. 100 Easy. Recovery. 300 as (100 Pull, 100 Swim, 100 Pull). No paddles on pull. Stop just long enough to deal w/ buoy. 4 x 50 on :50, :55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:15. Pick interval for 10 sec rest. 100 choice. Good effort. Time yourself. 300 as: 2 x 25 Easy, recovery from fast 100. 8 x 25 Odd fast, even easy. Time yourself. Clocks are not together, but you can compare times. Rest 10-15 sec. 2 x 25 Count strokes Cool-Down If time, easy 100-200
  • Monday, Aug 16, Meter Pool Warm-Up (750-1200) 200-300 Swim, choice 150-300 (25K/25D/25S). Fins ok. 100 Backstroke (25K/25S). Fins. 200-300 Pull, free 100-200 (4-8) x 25. Free. 2 count/2 swim on center line/2 cnt/2 on line. Main Back or Free (no fins): (300-700) 100 (25 chg 3 w/ 3; 25 K w/ brd or streamline on bk; 2 x 25 sprint) 100-300 (2-6) x 50. 6: descend 1-3, 4-6; 4: descend 1-2, 3-4; 2: at 200 pace 100-300 Swim Fly or Free (fins): (200) 50 as 2 x 25 K w/ brd 50 as 2 x 25. Fly: underwater recovery; Free: 1-arm, opp br 50 as 2 x 25 Count strokes 50 as 2 x 25 sprint 2 x 200 #1 Pull, #2 Swim (400) Cool-Down (100-200) (2-4) x 50 Easy
  • Monday, Aug 16, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1200-1400) 300-400 (75 free/25 non-free or drill) ~Get lane together~ (8-10) x 50 (#1-2 d/s; #3-4 swim; #5-6 d/s; #7-8 swim; #9-10 d/s). 15 sec rest. Keep together. 400 Pull (200, 100, 100) 4 x 25 (#1-2, swim on center line; #3-4 Count) Main (1300-1700) (4-5) x 100 Free. Even pace. Aerobic. 1:30, 1:50, 2:00, 2:20 6 x 50 Kick, choice. Keep lane together, 15 sec rest (3-4) x 100 Faster than last set. 100-200 Pull (2-3) x 100 choice. Good effort. Cool-Down (100) Easy swim.
  • Wednesday, Aug 18, Meter Pool Warm-Up (900-1300) 200-300 Swim 100-200 Pull 300-500 (3-5) x 100 at Aerobic Pace. 1:45, 1:55, 2:10, 2:15, 2:30 6 x 50 Kick. 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 2:00 Main (1000-1300) 200-400 (2-4) x 100 Moderate 6 x 50 Pull. :55, 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:30 200-300 (2-3) x 100 Faster 6 x 50 Drill/Swim Cool-Down (100) Easy swim
  • Wednesday, Aug 18, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1000-1200) 300-400 Swim (200, rest, 100, rest 100) 300-400 Pull (200, rest, 100, rest 100) 200 Count strokes (2 x 25, 1 x 50, 1 x 100) 200 (fins ok): 50 one arm/50 3R-3L/50 3R-3-3L/50 Swim Main (1200-1500) 5 x 200 (#1 Swim moderate / #2 Swim, hold pace / #3 Pull /#4 4 x 50 (5-10 sec rest)/ #5 Swim) (4-10) x 50. Make sure everyone in lane gets 15 sec rest #1 Kick w/ brd #2 Kick on back #3 Kick, choice #4-5 25 Kick/25 Swim #6-8 25 Drill/25 Swim #9-10 Swim Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim
  • Friday, Aug 20, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1100) 200 Swim 200 Pull ~Fins on~ 200 Freestyle drill. 50 Kick on side; 50 chg 6; 50 chg 6 w/ 3; 50 swim. 100 (4 x 25 count strokes) 200 Freestyle drill. 50 one arm; 50 3R-3L; 50 3R-3-3L-3; 50 swim 100 (2 x 25, 1 x 50 count strokes) ~Fins off~ 100 (2 x 50 count strokes) Main (800-1500) All Lanes: 100 Free. Think about long push-off, streamline, kick to flags. Do not stop and look on turns. Ln 4-5: 300 Swim, get time. 3 x 100 same pace. Ln 6-7: 200 Swim, get time. 2 x 100 same pace. Ln 8: 100 Swim, get time. 1 x 100 same pace. All Lanes ~Fins on~ 100-300 alternate 50 kick/50 swim, choice (4-6) x 50 choice. Can wear fins, especially on non-free. Most lanes stopped here. 2 of them did 200. 200 same pace as earlier swim No one got this far unless they stayed and did it for cool-down. Sometimes I plan too much for one hour. (2-6) x 50 Pull, recovery
  • Monday, Aug 23, Meter Pool Since I have been late in posting workouts lately (due to meets I enter), I am posting this one before I use it. If it doesn't work, I'm make note of it and post a message. Warm-Up (900-1600) 300-600 (100 free, 50 catch-up, 100 free, 50 3R arm- 3L arm) x (1-2) 300-600 (100 pull w/ paddles, 50 swim, 100 pull w/o paddles, 50 swim) x 2 ~Everybody stop. Fins on~ 200-300 (2 x 50 kick, 2 x (50 or 100 Kick) 100 backstroke drills (25 chg 6 / “L” drill / Kick streamline ½ then swim / swim with roll Main (700-800) 250 (25 Swim free, long stroke, roll/ 50 same /75 same / 100 same) 250 (25 back with rolling hips / 50 bk-free / 75 bk-fr-bk / 100 free) 200-300 Swim free. Maintain long stroke, use hips. Cool-Down (200) 100 D/S by 25 100 Swim
  • Monday, Aug 23, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1200-1600) 300-600 (100 free, 50 catch-up, 100 free, 50 3R arm- 3L arm) Lanes 3-5 repeat the above. 300-600 (100 pull w/ paddles, 50 swim, 100 pull w/o paddles, 50 swim) x 2 ~Everybody stop. Fins on~ 200-300 (2 x 50 kick, 2 x (50 or 100 Kick) 100 backstroke drills (25 chg 6 / “L” drill / Kick streamline ½ then swim / swim with roll Main (800-1200) (4-6) x 50 Free. Think about streamline push-offs, reach and roll. (2-3) x 100 descend. Maintain a good push-off and good stroke. (4-6) x 50 Back or 25 Back/25 Free. May wear fins, if needed. Roll hips! (2-3) x 100 Back or 25 Back/75 Free. No fins. Cool-Down (200) 100 D/S by 25 100 Swim
  • Wed, Aug 25, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1100) •300 Swim ~Everyone stop together. Put on fins.~ •(2-4) x 100 25 Drill/25 Swim. #1 Almost catch-up; #2 3R arm only/3L arm only; #3 One arm, opposite breathe, #4 Chg 3 with 3 strokes (get on side). •150 Kick (50 on side, 50 with brd, 50 on back) •150 Swim (1st 50 with fins, exaggerate roll; 100 w/o fins, keep that roll) •100 (4 x 25 Sprint on :45, :50, :55) Main (1300) (6-8) x 50 Free. Longer rest means to go fast. Choice. On 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:45. (3-4) x 100 Pull. Free. On 1:40, 1:50, 2:05, 2:15, 2:50. 4 x 50. Non-free or 25 non/25 free. On same interval as above. 100-200 Swim. Recovery. Think about streamline push-offs with kicking to flags. 1 x 100 FAST. Choice. I will time you. Several minutes rest. Cool-Down (100-200) 4 x 25, easy Note: It seems like everyone was dreading being timed at the end of the workout. As it turned out, however, almost everyone was surprised at how fast they were.
  • Wed, Aug 25, Yard Pool Warm-Up (900) 300 Swim. Everyone stop together. 2 x 200 Pull. #1 easy, #2 a little faster. 200 Swim Main (1100-1700) •(3-4) x 100, relatively easy. Find a pace you can maintain. Plenty of rest. On 1:30, 1:50, 2:00, 2:10, 2:20 • (3-4) x 100 on a shorter interval. If the 1st interval gave you 15 sec rest, reduce it by 5 sec. • (3-4) x 100 on even shorter interval. Reduce last interval by another 5 sec. It’s okay if you can’t make the interval for all 100s. We are trying to determine what you can do. 4 x 25 Count strokes. Think about push-off and streamline. • (1-4) x 100. Challenge. Reduce interval another 5 sec. See how many you can do. Cool Down (100-200) (2-4) x 50 Easy swim Note: This workout was a good one. Swimmers accepted the challenge to go faster than usual with less rest.