Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, May 26, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600-1000) (200-400) Swim (200-400) Pull 200 Swim. Count 1st 50. Build (gradually get faster) rest of 200. Main1 (600-1200) (3-6) x 200 as 50 swim/25 drill/50 swim/25 drill/50 swim. Choice if drill works. Drills: #1 – catch-up, #2 – 3R/3L, #3 – chg 3, #4 – glide2, #5 – c.u., #6 – 3R/3L Main2 (450-600) 9 x 50 (fins ok) as (2-3) x (#1 kick, #2 25kick/25swim, #3 swim) 3 x 50, choice, descend Cool-Down (200) Easy swim.
  • Wednesday, May 26, Yard Pool Warm-Up (550-800) 200-300 Swim 200 Count strokes (2 x 25, 3 x 50). Use hips, extend. 150-300 as (1-2) x (25-50-50-25). Rest 10-15 sec. Long stroke, check time on 50s. Main 1 (broken 1650) 4 x 100 Establish pace for mile swim. 300 Pull 300 Swim 4 x 50 Same pace as 100s above Maintain pace for: 200 Swim 150 Swim 100 Swm Main 2 (200-600) Easy 200 Pull, recovery 2 x 200 Pull, descend Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim
  • Friday, May 28, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600-900) 300 as (100 free/50 choice) x 2 (1-2) x 200 Pull. Rest 15 seconds. (4-8) x 25 Count strokes. Rest 5-10. Main 1 – Fins on for stroke work. Butterfly (150) 2 x 25 Body Dolphin. Arms out front, initiate movement from your head/shoulders. Small sculling motion to breathe. 2 x 25 Butter/Flutter. 4 fly strokes, then can switch to free. Butt up when hands enter. 2 x 25 Butterfly as far as you can, then free (min of 4 strokes). Back (200) 3 x 25 Kick (Rt side, Lft side, Back w/ arms extended). 2 x 25 Chg 6 w/ 3 strokes. Get on side! 3 x 25 Backstroke swim. Main 2 – Fins are optional, but not needed. (600-1200) (2-4) x ( 3 x 50 one stroke, 1 x 100, 1 x 50) Triathletes: 3 x 50 establish pace, 1 x 100 good effort, 1 x 50 easy) Non-free: 3 x 50 hold same pace, 1 x 100 easy, 1 x 50 fast) Cool-Down (100-300) 100 Pull/100 Swim, repeat as time permits.
  • Wednesday, June 2, Meter Pool Warm-Up (800-1000) 200 Swim, free 200 Alternate 25 drill/25 free (catch-up, 3R/3L, repeat) 100 Swim, free 100 Swim non-free or 50 non/50 free 100 Alternate 25 drill/25 swim, choice 100-300 Pull Main (1100-1900) ~Fins on for kicking, except breaststrokers~ 200 Kick (50 easy, 2x 25 fast, 1 x 50 fast, 50 easy) Swim: (450-850) 1 x 25 count strokes. (4-8) x 50 Don’t lose stroke count. (2-4) x 100 Hold pace. 1 x 25 easy swim. Pull: (450-850) 1 x 25 count strokes. (4-8) x 50 Don’t lose stroke count. (2-4) x 100 Hold pace. 1 x 25 easy pull.
  • Wednesday, June 2, Yard Pool Warm-Up (600-900) 300 as (100 free/50 choice) x 2 (1-2) x 200 Pull. Rest 15 seconds. (4-8) x 25 Count strokes. Rest 5-10. Main 1 – Fins on for stroke work (350) Butterfly 2 x 25 Body Dolphin. Arms out front, initiate movement from your head/shoulders. Small sculling motion to breathe. 2 x 25 Butter/Flutter. 4 fly strokes, then can switch to free. Butt up when hands enter. 2 x 25 Butterfly as far as you can, then free (min of 4 strokes). Back 3 x 25 Kick (Rt side, Lft side, Back w/ arms extended). 2 x 25 Chg 6 w/ 3 strokes. Get on side! 3 x 25 Backstroke swim. Main 2 (1000) 6 x 50 1 x 100 4 x 50 1 x 100 2 x 50 2 x 100 Cool-Down (200-700) Pull (1-2) x 200 Swim easy 300
  • Friday, June 4, Meter Pool Time trials today, ending w/ relays! Warm-Up (800) 200 Swim 200 Pull 200 K/S by 50 2 x 50 Pull, rest 10 2 x 50 Swim, rest 10 Main (800) 200 for time (3 heats) Recovery: 100 kick, 200 pull 100 for time (3 heats) Recovery: Easy swim Relays (6 teams of 4 each) Cool-Down (50-100) Easy swim Note: Not much yardage, but everyone left happy. It was worth the time to let everyone measure progress.
  • Monday, June 7, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600-800) 200-300 Swim 200 Kick 200-300 Drill/Swim by 25s Main 1 (600) 2 x (2x 100 Pull, 1 x 100 Swim). Comfortable interval. Today is recovery for triathletes. Main 2 (600). 5 x 50 free at 200 pace. If you go non-free – go all 5 same stroke. 100 easy 5 x 50 choice. Same as above, can change stroke. Cool-Down (500) 4 x 25, try one of each stroke? 300 easy pull Easy 100 swim.
  • Monday, June 7, Yard Pool Warm-Up (800-1000) 200-300 Swim 300 (25 K/25D/25S), choice 200-300 Pull 100 Free – roll hips, extend, pause, catch. Main (1600) 300 as 100 free/25 3R-3L/100 free/25 3R-3L/50 free 100 w/ good stroke, stroke, not all out 300 as 3 x 100 Pull, descend 100 w/ good stroke, not all out 300 as 50 catch-up /100 swim/50 almost catch-up/100 swim 100 w/ good stroke, not all out 300 as 3 x 100 stead pace 100 w/ good stroke, faster than other 100s Cool-Down (400) 200 Kick 200 Swim
  • Wednesday, June 9, Meter Pool This workout was very successful. Swimmers couldn't believe they had gone 16 x 100 because there was specific instruction for each set. Warm-Up (800-1000) 200-300 Swim 200 Kick 200-300 Pull 200 as 25 Drill/25 Swim, choice Main (1600) 4 x 100 aerobic, not out of breath ~rest 20-30 between sets~ 4 x 100 at aerobic threshold; faster than 1st set, not all out 4 x 100 pull, aerobic threshold 2 x (2 x 100). Descend 2, descend 2. Should get tired on 2nd 100. Cool-Down (400) 300 as 25K/25D/25S 100 easy swim
  • Warm-Up (800-1100) 200-300 Swim 300-400 as (6-8) x 50 Pull, free. Concentrate on technique. 200-300 (25 3R/3L, 25 swim), back or free. Fins ok. 100 Kick on back Main 1 Backstroke and Freestyle (500) 50 Kick back on side 50 chg 6 (get on side!) 50 chg 6 w/ 3 ~Fins off~ 50 backstroke pull. Roll! 50 backstroke swim 50 Kick free on side 50 chg 6 (get on side!) 50 chg 6 w/ 3 ~Fins off~ 50 free pull. Roll! 50 free swim Main 2 (800-1200) 2 x 50, 1 x 100 4 x 50, 1 x 200 4 x 50, 1 x 200, pull 2 x 50, 1 x 100 Cool-Down Easy 200 swim