Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, Apr 28, Meter Pool Warm-Up (500-1100) 100-300 Swim 200 Drill/Swim by 50 (fins okay). Drills: Catch-up and Change 3 w/ 3 (1-3) x 200 Pull. Rest 15-20 seconds. Main (900-1800) 8 x 50 Free. Hold pace. 2 x 50 Choice. Sprint. 1 x 50 Easy, recovery. 3 x 50 Descend. 1 x 50 Easy, recovery. 2 x 50 Descend. 1 x 50 Easy, recovery. Lane 8: 1 time through is 900 Lane 7: 1 time through plus 3 x 50 descend and rest. 1250 Lanes 5-6: 1 time plus all but 8 x 50. 1400 Lanes 3-4: 2 times through. 1800. Intervals: Lane 3: 1:00, Lane 4: 1:05, Lane 5: 1:10, Lane 6: 1:15, Lane 7: 1:20, Lane 8: 1:45.
  • Wednesday, Apr 28, Yard Pool Warm-Up (700-1000) *100-200 Swim Get lane together. Rest about 15 sec after each part. *2 x 100 Swim, increase effort. This is warm-up so this is increased effort, not descend. *(2-3) x 100 Pull, increase effort. *4 x 75 Rest 10-15 sec after each 75. #1 catch-up/swim/c.u. #2 swim/c.u./swim #3 count strokes #4 swim Main1 (1200). Fins okay. Free 2 x 25 K on side 2 x 25 Chg 6 2 x 25 Chg 6 w/3 2 x 50 Swim 2 x 25 3R/3L. Slow down, extend and pause. 2 x 50 (2-4) x 100 Back 2 x 25 K on side 2 x 25 Chg 6 2 x 25 Chg 6 w/3 (1-2) x 50 Swim 2 x 25 Pull (back). Roll hips! 50 or 100 swim Main 2 (600) 200 Pull 200 Swim 100 Pull 100 Swim
  • Thursday, Apr 29 This workout was for me, swimming alone. The 100s are to keep reminding me of my pace for the 1650 at nationals. I am swimming 200 *** and 200 back in a meet this weekend. The 50s are to practice the pace for the 200s. Warm-Up (1100) 300 Swim 300 Pull 300 Kick 200 D/S by 25s Main (1000) 2 x 100 Free on 1:50 12 x 50 on 1:15. Swim as 4 x (3 x 50). Descend 1-2, 3 easy. 2 x 100 Free on 1:50 Cool-Down (100) Easy 100 Note from Monday, May 3: I ran short on time and didn't finish the workout. When I swam in the meet this past weekend, I certainly wished I had done more to prepare for the 200s!
  • Monday, May 3, Meter Pool Some swimmers are swimming in state Sr Games this weekend. We also have a group going to nationals in Atlanta. Triathletes have already starting their season. This was a mixed bag, trying to make it meaningful for all. Warm-Up (800) 200 Free 100 as (25 S/25 R only/25 S/ 25 L only). Roll and extend. 100 Free 300 as (25K/25D/25S). Fins ok. 100 Swim choice. Main (900-1800) 3 x (100K, 100D, 200P, 2 x 100 Swim). Swim is quality on 2:00, 2:10, 2:20) Or (if going to meet) 3 x (50K, 50D, 100P, 2 x 50 Swim) on 2:00 or 2:30) If time, 25 sprints. Cool-Down (200) Easy swim
  • Monday, May 3, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1000) 300-400 Swim Fins optional. Paddles 100 as 25 Rt only/25 Lft only. Be conscious of where your hand is going. 100 Swim. Count strokes each length. 100 Pull. No paddles, count strokes each length. 4 x 75 as 25 long and strong/25 build/25 sprint. Rest 15 seconds after each 75. Main (1800) 300 as 50 Kick (free or back)/50 Drill (3R-3L, FT drag, chg 3 w/3) 300 Swim 300 Pull 200 as 25 drill/25 swim. Choice. 200 Pull 200 Swim 3 x 100 on 1:20, 1:30, 1:50, 2:00 or 2:05, 2:20 (Pull, Swim, Swim) Cool-Down (200) Easy 200
  • Wednesday, May 5, Meter Pool I had two workouts today. This one is for distance/conditioning. The next one is a taper workout for those going to the state Sr Games and to Atlanta. Warm-Up (800) 300 Free Swim 200 Free, K/D by 50s 200 Free Pull 100 as 25 non/25 free Main (1600-2000) 4 x 25 Count strokes, 5-10 seconds rest. 4 x 50 Descend 1-2, 3-4. On :55, 1:00, 1:10. 3 x 100 Pull on 1:40, 1:50, 2:10. 4 x 100 Swim, steady pace, good effort. 100 D/S by 25 200 Swim, good effort. 6 x 50. Descend 1-3, 4-6. 2 x 200 #1 Pull (fast), #2 Swim (relaxed, long stroke)
  • Wednesday, May 5, Meter Pool, Taper Warm-Up (700-1100) •100-200 Free Swim •200 Free, K/D by 50s •100-200 Free Pull •100-200 Swim, non-free, mix it up •(3-4) x 50 Kick •50-100 Pull Main (600) 24 x 25 Make sure everyone gets 20 seconds rest •6 are Kick 1/3, Sprint rest 25 •6 are Pull 1/3,Sprint rest of 25 •12 are Swim - odd sprint, even easy
  • Wednesday, May 5, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1000) 400 (100 S / 50 D / 100 S/ 50 D / 100 S) 4 x 25 Swim down center line, wide entry, do not “touch” the line. 2 x 50 Swim free. Enter wide, extend, pause, pull with elbows up. 50 Chg 6 free 50 Chg 6 with 3 strokes, free 100 Swim free, use hips to rotate 100 Back (25 Chg 6 / 25 Chg 6 with 3 / 50 Swim) 100 Swim Choice. At least 1 x 25 non-free. Main 1 (1200) 200 Get time. Moderate. Figure 100 average. 4 x 100 maintaining same average/100 200 Pull. Get time. 4 x 100 Pull. Maintain average. Main 2 (200-800) (4-16) x 50. Do in groups of 4: descend 1-3 (same stroke), #4 easy recovery. Cool-Down Easy Swim.
  • Friday, May 7, Meter Pool I'm never sure when I do time trials, but the swimmers seemed to like the exercise in pacing. This is a variation on Wednesday night's workout in the yard pool. I was able to combine the taper workout with the big workout. Warm-Up (800-1100) 200-300 Swim 200 D/S by 25 (2-3) x 100 Pull. Increase effort as you get warm-up. (2-3) x 100 Swim. Concentrate on even pace for 400/800. Main 1 (300-500) Pacing exercise: 200 timed. Moderate pace/100 that you can duplicate. 100 timed. As close to ½ time of 200 as possible. 100 timed. Same time as other 100. Taper group: 100 timed. Distance pace. 50 timed. Fast 50 timed. Fast Easy 100 Main 2 (200-800) _ x (4 x 50) #1-3 at even pace, #4 faster. Rest 20-30 seconds and repeat. Taper group: 50s at easy pace, concentrate on breakout after each push-off Cool-Down Easy Swim
  • Friday, May 7, Meter Pool Taper workout for me. I coached and then stayed to swim alone. I feel like I’m making progress with sprints. Warm-Up (1000) 200 Free 200 Free D/S by 25 100 Free 200 Back and *** 200 Back and *** D/S by 25 100 Choice Main (750) Do the following 3 times: Back, ***, Free 250 (2 x 25 K, 2 x 25 P, 4 x 25 S, 50 Free easy) Cool-Down Easy swim