Fun, and Fast

Former Member
Former Member
The cross-training routine that was previously posted on this thread had a variety of advice. Although quite a few people have mentioned to me that they prefer to swim, and don't really want to lift weights. That's understandable, but attempting to compromise I suggest these 4 critical exercises, 3xweek. This could take as little as 15 minutes, but will have significant impact on your swimming base times. Here's why: Ankle flexibility is crucial, as this is the anchor on your ship. Even if you don't improve power or strength, having your ankles flexible will reduce the drag and improve body position. So, I recommend a minimum of 6 minutes (3x per week), on the bike with your toes pointed. This is primarily to warm up the ankles as well as training the range of motion. 1199 Don't be discouraged if you can't do this next stretch right away. When I started 8 years ago I couldn't get my knees off the ground, and my SDK was ineffective. Just have patience, and after several months you should notice a gradual improvement. Not everyone is gifted with natural mobility in the ankles, but the good news is this can be earned. Try and hold the stretch for 3x20 seconds. 1200 Moving up the body line, core stability is critical for maintaining the right trajectory while swimming. Be sure to bring the elbow all the way around the knee, and tighten the core as you go through the motion. Pick a weight that enables you to do 3x12 reps on both sides. 1201 This last exercise is great for your core, but I've noticed it is also really good for the upper body, especially the catch phase of the stroke, as well as engaging the lats on the horizontal axis. Again, 3x12 reps, and these four exercises can be made into a short mini-routine that most aspiring swimmers should at least consider. 1202 Happy swimming, 1203 So I finally have my video on FLOSWIMMING here it is 100 free SCM - 51.60 which converts to 46.02 SCY
  • Fort: try that kickboard drill, no knee bend, all hip-hump! I may try it and focus on the hip thrust down and feet up... I'll try it. I just don't like doing SDKs or dolphin kick with a board generally. Aside from boards stressing the shoulder and neck, I feel like my body is not in the right position to dolphin kick. Kicking on my side seems to help with focusing on the upsweep. It's made a big difference on backstroke; if I go too deep, I'm not "stuck" under water. Gotta work on my stomach more -- feels like I'm arching my back at bit.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I actually had a girl try to psych me out in the 50 breastroke, that was pretty funny. Answer this, (now tell the truth) did she beat you.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Jeez... I come here looking for some workouts and all I see is butt slapping!!! ;)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Thanks Jonathan! I did this set today, except I went 2 x 50, 4 x 50 and 6 x 50 all backstroke. (S)he -- If you're working the SDKs, make sure to work both the upsweep and downsweep. I wasn't working the upsweep and I'm trying to correct that. It seems much faster. Fort: try that kickboard drill, no knee bend, all hip-hump! I may try it and focus on the hip thrust down and feet up...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    SCM 3x200 dps 8x50 kick with finz on 1:20 next set all from push 6x50 strong average on 1:30 averaged 28.2 100 easy 6x50 fast average on 2:00 averaged 27.7 200 easy 6x50 best average on 3:00 averaged 26.8 100 easy 4x100 DPS
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I don't agree with that drill as being the best way to do SDK's Actually, I think swimstud was just being silly as per usual.. No I wasn't being silly...the per usual is a bit of a stretch (arrongant one too) since I don't post here much anymore. If you're upset about my previous good natured post about butt slapping, then sorry, but I came on the thread and looked for a "fast and fun" workout but didn't see any on the most recent pages. Glad your humourectomy was a success! I agree, it's not the best way to do SDK's. SDK's are the best way to do SDK's. The drill isolates (for me at least) the pelvis and abs and hits them different to full SDK and monofin. Emphasis on the pelvis and hips nothing else, the board is just a staibliser. I've found it helped my SDK...take it or leave it--what the hell do I know... It might bother your shoulders Fort, but I try not to push down on the board at all...I don't even grip. I just lay my hands on it. --- Back to your thread, "champ" I won't post here again.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Your apology is accepted. ...anytime, your champfulness!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    sorry, but I came on the thread and looked for a "fast and fun" workout but didn't see any on the most recent pages. Your apology is accepted.
  • Seems I recall that all your swims are meters. Those are good times. If I add about 5 sec (to the high end of the range for each set) it will be a good goal for me to work toward in my SCM workouts. I should have held 30-32's, then 28-29's on the fast, and 25-27's on the best... I was just a little too keen... The last set had a few 25's, but a few slower... It would have been better to have a closer average on each set, and a larger range between them.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    You've mentioned a few times about training and racing with younger athletes. How do you manage that? Time/schedules, etc. I have a very understanding USS coach and I have an amazing husband. :D Swimming USS meets is more convenient than swimming masters meets IMO. There are more USS meets that are located less than 1 hour from my home than there are masters meets. Less travel and time is required. USS meets are run much more efficiently now than 20 years ago. And, they always fall on weekends. Second, I do Human Resources contract work mostly from home. Being your own boss is much more conducive to feeding one's athletic pursuits. :D My schedule is flexible. The kids typically swim in the early AM in the summer and in the evening during the rest of the year (around business hours). And, if I absolutely cannot make their practice, I jump in with the masters group (2 to 3 masters practices are offered a day) or even with another USS group. As the kids have very hectic schedules of their own, the coaches are quite accommodating and incredibly supportive. The exception to this rule is the National group - they are required to attend all practices. I swim with SR I and there is more flexibility. The talent on both groups is very deep.