Fun, and Fast

Former Member
Former Member
The cross-training routine that was previously posted on this thread had a variety of advice. Although quite a few people have mentioned to me that they prefer to swim, and don't really want to lift weights. That's understandable, but attempting to compromise I suggest these 4 critical exercises, 3xweek. This could take as little as 15 minutes, but will have significant impact on your swimming base times. Here's why: Ankle flexibility is crucial, as this is the anchor on your ship. Even if you don't improve power or strength, having your ankles flexible will reduce the drag and improve body position. So, I recommend a minimum of 6 minutes (3x per week), on the bike with your toes pointed. This is primarily to warm up the ankles as well as training the range of motion. 1199 Don't be discouraged if you can't do this next stretch right away. When I started 8 years ago I couldn't get my knees off the ground, and my SDK was ineffective. Just have patience, and after several months you should notice a gradual improvement. Not everyone is gifted with natural mobility in the ankles, but the good news is this can be earned. Try and hold the stretch for 3x20 seconds. 1200 Moving up the body line, core stability is critical for maintaining the right trajectory while swimming. Be sure to bring the elbow all the way around the knee, and tighten the core as you go through the motion. Pick a weight that enables you to do 3x12 reps on both sides. 1201 This last exercise is great for your core, but I've noticed it is also really good for the upper body, especially the catch phase of the stroke, as well as engaging the lats on the horizontal axis. Again, 3x12 reps, and these four exercises can be made into a short mini-routine that most aspiring swimmers should at least consider. 1202 Happy swimming, 1203 So I finally have my video on FLOSWIMMING here it is 100 free SCM - 51.60 which converts to 46.02 SCY
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Thanks Ande, For the info on UT sprint work-outs... I've thought of starting a blog, but that would mean I'd be "required" to post. So, instead I've decided to just post work-outs that I'm most happy about. Dec. 30 2007 Short course meters 3x200 DPS (average 11 strokes per length) 16x50 KICK, 12 with fins on 1:10 4 fly 4 back (ALL UNDERWATER SDK) one breath on turns 4 free 4 *** (3 easy 1 fast, **40.58**) my PB (Training harder for IM) 10x50 paddles only free, 9 cruise, 1 fast 25.5 from push on 1:00 200 DPS 4x50 3 easy 1 fast freestyle from push *24.93* 100 easy Hey, I had the same idea, that's why i started this thread: Those are some workouts I usually do, but I always add or change something. It would be cool if you can post some of yours there.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    There's no "strategerie" in sprinting. Man-up and start doing the old standards like 10 x 200 or 8 x 500 and then we can talk. If you do a set that takes 24 minutes and you've only swum 200 yards, there is something seriously wrong with the picture. One thing you've accomplished is tying up a lane for too long. There is a fundamental difference between sprinters and D-men. Tree
  • Holy crap! I went running today for the first time in a month. I've been doing the ankle flexibility exercises for a few weeks. Ankles felt like rubber.
  • Leslie, Are you a tri-athlete? When I do the ankle work, I like to end with 5x45 seconds (jumping-jack skipping/15 sec rest... double jumps, focus on synchronizing the butterfly-kick timing *top/bottom*) This helps over-all co-ordination, plus it works the other side of the ankles... That way you can have maximum flexibility combined with optimal stability. Have you noticed any improvement in the water? No, former runner. Still like to run a couple times a week. I'll try the stabilizing exercises. Thanks!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Fun and Fast Sets (Did this last night.) 1st round was easy 2x100 @ 1:20 2x100 @ 1:15 2x100 @ 1:10 Rest :30 2nd round required a bit more concentration 2x100 @ 1:15 2x100 @ 1:10 2x100 @ 1:05 Rest :30 This last round was pure he## 2x100 @ 1:10 2x100 @ 1:05 2x100 @ 1:00 (I missed these! GRRR/ Fell apart basically; went 1:03 and not sure what I went on the last one) Stroke Set (Did this fly today) - Can do on 1:30 or 1:20 Base DO TWICE 1x100 Moderate Fly 1x100 (75 Fly Push/ 25 FR EZ) 1x100 (50 Fly HARD/ 50 FR EZ) 1x200 Fly Moderate 1x200 (150 Fly Push/ 50 FR EZ) 1x200 (100 Fly HARD/ 100 FR EZ) *Make sure to do at least 4 SDKs off every wall!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Ya, those look like great work-outs... You're quite an accomplished swimmer... Way to go... keep up the good work. Thanks. I'm not NEARLY as accomplished as you are. :notworthy: I get a lot of good ideas out of your posts.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    That's good... The intention was to share some different cross-training idea's and hopefully this could be useful for other people trying to reach similar goals. This board is doing that. I train very differently from how I trained in high school. As a result I'm swimming faster at 35 than when I was in high school and USS. Sad but true. Better late than never I guess. :cane::cane:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    This board is doing that. I train very differently from how I trained in high school. As a result I'm swimming faster at 35 than when I was in high school and USS. Sad but true. Better late than never I guess. :cane::cane: Do you swim farther now then you did in high school and USS or are you using better technique?
  • 8x25's on 3:00 is only one of many sprint sets... Jonathan, I am considering using this and your 2-week cycle for the next 6 weeks to get ready for nationals in May. How would you combine this into the 2 week cycle?. And what type of taper (and how long) do you recomend?
  • Today I did this work-out... Long Course meters 4x(100 free + 50 IM) 2x{(4x50 fly) + (2x100 free)} 2x{(4x50 back) + (2x100 free)} 2x{(4x50 ***) + (2x100 free)} 2x{(4x50 free) + (2x100 free)} 3 minutes rest before last 100 Last 100 Fast from push, **55.93** (LCM) (I honestly think the video analysis I've been doing of top swimmers in comparsion to my stroke has really helped my sprinting) I recommend finding a way to have your underwater put on video. That's a cool workout. What are you doing differently? EDF?