I am in desperate need of some training/workout suggestions to prepare for my first triathlon in two months. The swim portion of this race is .4 miles.
While I am no stranger to the water, having swam competitively from age 11 through high school, I have not really been in a pool since.
Please Help! I have two days per week to train in a pool, but I don't have any idea how I should be training!!
Former Member
I just came across this post while browsing this new to me site. The questions here are very pertinent to my plan of participating in my first triathlon this Fall. I am a bit older however:rolleyes: (age 61). And I have never had any "formal" swim training -- have not swum on a team or anything competitive. I am a fairly strong swimmer and expect that I will soon be swimming decent distance after just returning to the swim.
I find Kim's respone with suggestions very helpful and interesting to try. In the past, when swimming was a part of my fitness regimen, I simply swam as many non-stop laps as I could (or had time for). My question -- Is it more beneficial to swim these --- sets is it:confused: (I do not know terminology well either) than to swim one long session when preparing for a triathlon? And, when you say "rest 15-30 seconds" -- is that after set? Example 10x50; 2x100; 6x50 -- are the rests after the first 10(x50), then after the 2(x100)?
Sorry to sound so naive (stupid?) about some of this, and hope I am not bugging people with questions that may already have been answered somewhere, and I don't know how to find it:(
Thanks so much for your help -- I have already gotten the trinewbie web site from someone else in response to my first post. I feel I have a lot to learn, and am on my way with the knowledge of this group.
I just came across this post while browsing this new to me site. The questions here are very pertinent to my plan of participating in my first triathlon this Fall. I am a bit older however:rolleyes: (age 61). And I have never had any "formal" swim training -- have not swum on a team or anything competitive. I am a fairly strong swimmer and expect that I will soon be swimming decent distance after just returning to the swim.
I find Kim's respone with suggestions very helpful and interesting to try. In the past, when swimming was a part of my fitness regimen, I simply swam as many non-stop laps as I could (or had time for). My question -- Is it more beneficial to swim these --- sets is it:confused: (I do not know terminology well either) than to swim one long session when preparing for a triathlon? And, when you say "rest 15-30 seconds" -- is that after set? Example 10x50; 2x100; 6x50 -- are the rests after the first 10(x50), then after the 2(x100)?
Sorry to sound so naive (stupid?) about some of this, and hope I am not bugging people with questions that may already have been answered somewhere, and I don't know how to find it:(
Thanks so much for your help -- I have already gotten the trinewbie web site from someone else in response to my first post. I feel I have a lot to learn, and am on my way with the knowledge of this group.