Need ways to build up to 100 Fly

Former Member
Former Member
I'm not from a competitive swimming background but has volunteer to coach our informal masters group once a week. I'm trying to establish a theme for each session (8-10 weeks). Last one was the 1000 yards. We did lots of pace work and endurance sets for the last 2 months. This next session I've decided to focus on the 100 Fly. Most of the swimmers can do 25 or 50 yards for a few repeats but that's all. Most of the swimmers are 40-50 years old with no competitive swim background either. Our workouts are 1 hour (3 x week). Does anyone have any suggestions on sets for 100 Fly or just good resources for coaching in general. Thanks so much!! :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    the head needs to dive as the arms recover... That's what I tell the kids I coach. as the hands come around the head needs to be dropping, so the head is lower than the arms... That's how my coach explained it to me. My stroke was always "beautiful" according to my coaches.. but I never had any speed behind it... never broke 1:20 except when a doctor changed some migraine drugs I was on. Sicne then, I've fixed it, and I never raise my head at all... I'm always looking at the bottom of the pool, but my body comes higher out of the water and my face is about 2 inches from the water to breathe. ~Donald
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    the head needs to dive as the arms recover... That's what I tell the kids I coach. as the hands come around the head needs to be dropping, so the head is lower than the arms... That's how my coach explained it to me. My stroke was always "beautiful" according to my coaches.. but I never had any speed behind it... never broke 1:20 except when a doctor changed some migraine drugs I was on. Sicne then, I've fixed it, and I never raise my head at all... I'm always looking at the bottom of the pool, but my body comes higher out of the water and my face is about 2 inches from the water to breathe. ~Donald
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