2025 Goal - PR !!!

Makes sense - goal in swimming should always be there - and PRs - personal records are the biggest goal there is for me. That's the harder part though for "us" college swimmers - but I came close - pretty much even in my early 40s - shorter distance from 200 to 50 but very good experience.

My own challenge - can I reach that goal - 21.00 in yards / not sure yet if LC will be this year - but 24.24 for that - and time now - 15y later - age 56 - swim a PR in the 50 Free - faster than at age 20 when I trained at the max volume. 

Why is that not insane in my view ? We never ever trained speed - the lack of sprint training still is insane looking back. I trained more all out 25s in a week in December than at USC under Peter Daland or Schubert. 

Why am I posting this - to show our USMS group that I think us older folks still train too much the old way - if you don't use it - it goes to sleep ... I used to think "you lose it" but our body is incredible - its still there - just sleeping. So I have activated my Fast Twitch muscle fibers who have been held hostage by them slow moving folks for decade after decade but they are waking up - so lets see whats possible - 50 Free for now ... shorter to longer maybe next year :)  

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