Swimsuit Rules - Male wearing a one piece

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Former Member
I'm a college age swimmer (M22) who has been swimming since middle school. Recently after having gotten back into swimming after a three year hiatus by joining masters, I also started wearing one piece swimsuits originally meant for women. I find them to be a lot more comfortable on my body, they're more streamlined for swimming, have a lot more fun and artistic designs, and they don't feel as restricting as suits with drawstrings do. I pretty consistently wear them for practice now; why wouldn't you want to wear something that feels comfortable to you? And as a bonus, other swimmers seem to be okay with it... at the very least no one has said anything about it. My coaches are all very supportive of the practice as well and generally just encourage people to wear whatever feels comfortable. I would love to get a feel for others thoughts about the matter, but more importantly, I would love the get the USMS meet rules changed so I can compete in what I feel comfortable wearing. Now, it goes to show that I still identify as a straight male, but also I suppose that this could be new grounds for helping those with gender disphoria/transgender or what have you as well, but that's currently not what I'm focusing on.
  • Concur that the USMS rule matches FINAâ€Tms rule. But WRT changing it...doesnâ€Tmt USMS sorta set some of their own rules that arenâ€Tmt always FINA/USAS rules? I.e. USMS rule 101.3.3 which allows breaststroke kick to be used in the butterfly. My point is...canâ€Tmt USMS change the swimsuit rule if they want to...without FINA/USAS authority? Dan absolutely NOT when it comes to meters. period. and in some cases usms rules are actually more strict than fina. now for yards...which is basically usa only...in 2010 the full body for men was allowed for SCY only and then banned as well. now, there have been a few meets...they are NOT sanctioned...where for fun you could wear your full body wrist to ankle suit to enjoy.
  • ... now, there have been a few meets...they are NOT sanctioned...where for fun you could wear your full body wrist to ankle suit to enjoy. The fact they are not sanctioned means no one will record any of the times officially. So, then it's really "just for fun". May as well swim with a noodle!