Should USMS be called USMS?

Howdy, Just for kicks and grins, should USMS be United States Masters Swimming. After all, very few of us are "Masters." Synchro has "grand masters" for those adult members who were nationally ranked when they were younger. I like the idea of having a category that separates the elite from the rest of us lap swimmers. But, aside from that, what else could we call ourselves? a) United States Senior Swimming b) United States Adult Senior Swimming c) Adult Senior Swimming Any other ideas?? PW
  • Is the word Masters is intimidating, what about using the word Mature? United States Mature Swimming! We could keep the USMS acronym, and nobody is likely to confuse (in this context) the word Mature with "mastery" or "elitism." If anything, maturity suggests a certain level of barnacle encrustation that I suspect lots of my swimming comrades can identify with.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    Well said. If USMS was to merge with USA-S we would probably see: 1) membership fees go up to USA-S levels, 2) website and this forum go away, 3) our LMSC's folded under LSC and disbanded, 4) the number of USMS clubs shrink due to USA-S club and coach requirements, 5) more opportunities for open meets but fewer Masters meets. I'm inclined to agree - it's sort of like this in hockey (though I don't think there's ever been a separate adult amateur governing body) - a vast majority of the effort and cashflow is invested in a very small subset of players (elite and generally male). On the other hand, for some of us, "Masters Swimming" does sound a bit intimidating, especially for those of us who've never swum on a team or with a group, or for folks who've never swum at all. Conversely, for the subset that's aged out of USA-S and collegiate swimming, it might seem to them like a bunch of old fogeys splashing around and thus not especially interesting to join. (Or maybe there's folks who, after years of competitive swimming, just feel burnt out and need a break!) But all of those are things that an certainly be mitigated with outreach - there's nothing at all wrong with the name- just make it clear that it's not *just* for the elite, the ex-elite, the silver-haired, the whatever-people-think-masters-means. And make it clear it exists at all - at least where I am, it's not like you go to a pool and there's a sign up saying something like "Do you like swimming? Do you like other people? Are you over 18? Then try Masters' swimming! "
  • Is the word Masters is intimidating, what about using the word Mature? United States Mature Swimming! We could keep the USMS acronym, and nobody is likely to confuse (in this context) the word Mature with "mastery" or "elitism." If anything, maturity suggests a certain level of barnacle encrustation that I suspect lots of my swimming comrades can identify with. I'm happy with the masters label which I think most people understand connotes older swimmers, ie not college or age group. That said I'd also be happy with a re-branding that works for our existing membership as well as is more inclusive so as not to deter or intimidate all the types of swimmer that we actually welcome into the organization. I would explore thinking along the lines of labels like "Lifetime Swimmers" or similar epithets that don't connote elitism, and are inclusive to all adult demographics. We already have an ageing membership demographic and I would like to think that we appeal as much to the 20 somethings as to our senior citizens. (I am, like Jim, barnacle encrusted, but I'm not ready to just be in the AARS just yet ;) )
  • .... If I recall, there's a couple of groups I've perused whose pages make it clear that they tend to attract a faster group, and they may not be the best for beginners. Just like other adult rec sports - some pick-ups and leagues are better suited to the novice or the casual weekender, and some are more geared for the ex-olympians/pros/whatever. .... So Badger... Have you found somewhere, yet?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    Is the word Masters is intimidating, what about using the word Mature? United States Mature Swimming! We could keep the USMS acronym, and nobody is likely to confuse (in this context) the word Mature with "mastery" or "elitism." If anything, maturity suggests a certain level of barnacle encrustation that I suspect lots of my swimming comrades can identify with. I think it *can* be intimidating to people, but the onus is on clubs and groups (with the parent organization's help) to advertise themselves as however non-intimidating they want to be. If I recall, there's a couple of groups I've perused whose pages make it clear that they tend to attract a faster group, and they may not be the best for beginners. Just like other adult rec sports - some pick-ups and leagues are better suited to the novice or the casual weekender, and some are more geared for the ex-olympians/pros/whatever. It's all about what's around and being able to say 'hey, we might be the workout group for you, but look, you can check on and find some other ones.') By the same token, it's fun to have a particular identity and an image to be proud of. People look for ways to belong.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    So Badger... Have you found somewhere, yet? As for the 50m pool: not exactly. (as in, yes, I know where they are but no, they are not accessible to me in terms of cost) As for a masters group: Lots of them around here! The group at Hanscom looks pretty friendly to newbies. But I don't think my fitness is even at the 'slow lane' level just yet. :( (Also, as a newly-minted paramedic I work odd hours, so I kind of squish my pool-time in where I can.) However, I'm hoping to maybe give them a try starting in their January session. :)
  • .... I'm hoping to maybe give them a try starting in their January session. :) Go get'em Badger! People get better when they swim with people they perceive to be better!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    For the moment, I'm trying the "Fall Fitness Challenge" and using those workouts. Super helpful! I feel much more purposeful now, on top of improving my strength and endurance.
  • Since it is an age-group centric organization...maybe it should be called U.S. Age Group Swimming.. Dan
  • Since it is an age-group centric organization...maybe it should be called U.S. Age Group Swimming.. U-SAGS?