Goggles strap: Outside your swimcap, or inside?

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Former Member
I've been told that "real swimmers" strap inside. Yet, looking at images of world class swimmers in action, I see many strap outside. Discuss.
  • But why? :) Is it personal preference? Fear of goggles moving? Strap out when training because I may mess with my goggles. Strap in in competition to help reduce the potential for them to fall down, and maybe the straps are a bit less streamlined when flopping out in the water. Although in looking at a picture, when I did our unofficial open water Bridges to Bluffs swim this past November, straps were out. 2 caps I guess is mostly my girls. They'd get their hair managed with the first, goggles, then a second. Now they jsut roll up their hair on top of their head and throw on the cap.
  • But why? :) Is it personal preference? Fear of goggles moving? Strap out when training because I may mess with my goggles. Strap in in competition to help reduce the potential for them to fall down, and maybe the straps are a bit less streamlined when flopping out in the water. Although in looking at a picture, when I did our unofficial open water Bridges to Bluffs swim this past November, straps were out. 2 caps I guess is mostly my girls. They'd get their hair managed with the first, goggles, then a second. Now they jsut roll up their hair on top of their head and throw on the cap.
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