Ultra Short Training At Race Pace

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coachsci.sdsu.edu/.../ultra40a.pdf There is a method, which is referred to as the Rushall method which Michael Andrew uses. Was wondering if you had any critique about this. If this sort of training is a good idea and what are the problems. Would this also be good for longer events? Like the 400 IM? Thanks!
  • I have been following the thread for quite a while. I learned how to ''swim'' a couple of years ago and swam on and off for 2-3 years with little to no progression because of my inconsistency. Now I have been swimming 2-3 times per week for 1 year and I suppose I can go 1.15-1.20 100m scm fully rested and probably 37-38 50m fly scm. I am swimming with a master team once or twice per week and getting in the pool myself once a week. I tried Usrpt with 25's on 20 sec with 15 sec rest, and some 25 fly max with 3min rest for 1-2 times per week. I really like this way of training and I feel like it is easier for me to "change gear" when I am swimming on the master team when we have to go fast on the intervals because of usrpt. However I have one concern. Since I didn't learn how to swim as a kid I guess I have some flaws in my technique. Going 1.20 on 100m scm is pretty much all out for me and for other people that pace is just warm up or cool down pace. I would like to train 2-3 times usrpt per week and then go to masters one time per week for drills and competition, but the 2-3 times per week usrpt is without a coach. Being an adult-onset swimmer would it be more beneficial for me to just swim slowly and really focus on technique when I am on my own to make sure I don't get any bad habits from swimming race pace on my own, or should I just go for it and just try my best to remember what I have been told technique wise while doing usrpt on my own? Going 1:20 on 100 fly SCM as a relative beginner is very impressive. Since you are concerned about technique I would go to the coached practice as often as possible and maybe see the coach about individual stroke work, or post a video here for comment. When you workout without a coach I think you can do USRPT. Focus on one technique area you want to work at each set and think about that during the swim and during the rest. USRPT can be very mindful. Be very aware of making the 20 sec. and if you don't, give yourself the extra rest and use the time to visualize technique.
  • I have been following the thread for quite a while. I learned how to ''swim'' a couple of years ago and swam on and off for 2-3 years with little to no progression because of my inconsistency. Now I have been swimming 2-3 times per week for 1 year and I suppose I can go 1.15-1.20 100m scm fully rested and probably 37-38 50m fly scm. I am swimming with a master team once or twice per week and getting in the pool myself once a week. I tried Usrpt with 25's on 20 sec with 15 sec rest, and some 25 fly max with 3min rest for 1-2 times per week. I really like this way of training and I feel like it is easier for me to "change gear" when I am swimming on the master team when we have to go fast on the intervals because of usrpt. However I have one concern. Since I didn't learn how to swim as a kid I guess I have some flaws in my technique. Going 1.20 on 100m scm is pretty much all out for me and for other people that pace is just warm up or cool down pace. I would like to train 2-3 times usrpt per week and then go to masters one time per week for drills and competition, but the 2-3 times per week usrpt is without a coach. Being an adult-onset swimmer would it be more beneficial for me to just swim slowly and really focus on technique when I am on my own to make sure I don't get any bad habits from swimming race pace on my own, or should I just go for it and just try my best to remember what I have been told technique wise while doing usrpt on my own? Going 1:20 on 100 fly SCM as a relative beginner is very impressive. Since you are concerned about technique I would go to the coached practice as often as possible and maybe see the coach about individual stroke work, or post a video here for comment. When you workout without a coach I think you can do USRPT. Focus on one technique area you want to work at each set and think about that during the swim and during the rest. USRPT can be very mindful. Be very aware of making the 20 sec. and if you don't, give yourself the extra rest and use the time to visualize technique.
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