How Much Does a Typical Drag Suit Slow You Down?

Former Member
Former Member
I recently purchased a Finis Ultimate Drag Suit to use when I swim on Tues, Thurs and Sat with other swimmers. I am consitantly the fastest swimmer there. Often times by a sizeable margin. I thought buying a dragsuit would help even the field so I didn't have so much rest and would give me a hard workout. Unfortunately this drag suit turned me from the fastest swimmer there into the slowest. It's clear that I won't be wearing this suit while I swim with them anytime soon. But I thought maybe a standard drag suit would be the right fit. The Finis suit I'm wearing has 4 pockets that catch additional water. What's your experience with drag suits. How much do they slow you down.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The amount of drag a drag suit adds is a function of the material, surface area exposed perpendicular to the direction of motion and forward motion velocity. General terms force= pressure x area where pressure is from the water hitting the area perpendicular to it. So more surface areas like pockets or loose material adds drag. Another thing to consider is the drag is a function of the velocity squared (V**2) which means the faster you go the drag is not linear but increases exponentially. Therefore to get the max benefits from a drag suit is via sprints
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The amount of drag a drag suit adds is a function of the material, surface area exposed perpendicular to the direction of motion and forward motion velocity. General terms force= pressure x area where pressure is from the water hitting the area perpendicular to it. So more surface areas like pockets or loose material adds drag. Another thing to consider is the drag is a function of the velocity squared (V**2) which means the faster you go the drag is not linear but increases exponentially. Therefore to get the max benefits from a drag suit is via sprints
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