Another Nutrition Question

Former Member
Former Member
Just wondering if I need to eat/drink during a 5 mile swim. It's not a race just working up to it to see how it feels. I am currently swimming about 10k-12k/week. The longest swim I've done is a 3.5 miler and it wasn't particularly challenging but i was also going slower than normal. At what distance do I need to starting fueling up or seriously considering nutrition?
  • That's a very beautiful lake, have a great swim. Let me know if you need a support kayaker, I'm glad to help. There are other options, such as Green River Reservoir. No motorboats allowed so it's really peaceful and spectacularly beautiful, and probably warmer than Willoughby if that's a concern. I swim there almost every day. A small group of us do 1 mile loops around a tiny island called Blueberry Island and leave our feeds on a well situated rock (circling back to your original post).
  • That's a very beautiful lake, have a great swim. Let me know if you need a support kayaker, I'm glad to help. There are other options, such as Green River Reservoir. No motorboats allowed so it's really peaceful and spectacularly beautiful, and probably warmer than Willoughby if that's a concern. I swim there almost every day. A small group of us do 1 mile loops around a tiny island called Blueberry Island and leave our feeds on a well situated rock (circling back to your original post).
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