Question for Marathon swimmers

I have a question for marathon swimmers... I've been prepping for a 10k swim that I'll be doing this coming Saturday. I live in coastal southern New England. I really began training in late Feb or Early March by doing longer pool swims. Once the open waters warmed up enough for wetsuits, I moved outside in late May/early June. I completed a full 10k+ with my kayaker today and practiced feeding/drinking him. I feel ready. In the future, I'd like to maintain fitness for doing swims of this long, and longer. But my question do you maintain fitness for doing swims of this distance through winter? I just don't know if I can handle six months of long pool swims. Dan
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Congrats on your swim, Dan. That was rough. You saw how slow I am, so not sure I'm the one to give advice, but can't pass it up. ;) Saturday was my 9th swim of 10k or longer distance, and I'm at 44% DNF rate. And I'm fine with that. I learn a lot from every DNF. But besides that, my personal and professional life is such that I get as much swimming in as I can handle. Some weeks that means 3000 yards total, and some weeks that means 15,000 with 2-3 days of weights. It all depends. 44% DNF rate?! I would have already given up the sport already. As you mentioned on the other forum, cut-offs scare me as well and I don't want getting a DNF after a year of training sacrificing all my social life and entrepreneurial plan.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Congrats on your swim, Dan. That was rough. You saw how slow I am, so not sure I'm the one to give advice, but can't pass it up. ;) Saturday was my 9th swim of 10k or longer distance, and I'm at 44% DNF rate. And I'm fine with that. I learn a lot from every DNF. But besides that, my personal and professional life is such that I get as much swimming in as I can handle. Some weeks that means 3000 yards total, and some weeks that means 15,000 with 2-3 days of weights. It all depends. 44% DNF rate?! I would have already given up the sport already. As you mentioned on the other forum, cut-offs scare me as well and I don't want getting a DNF after a year of training sacrificing all my social life and entrepreneurial plan.
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