23 Jun 2019 - Thetis Lake Victoria BC - Swim for MS Wellness

Former Member
Former Member
Anyone? I'll be doing the 3km - my first Open Water Swim Event. (There's 800m/1500m/3km/5km options.) I really do not want to wear a wetsuit, but I do wonder how cold it will be.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    From all that I see, it was a wonderful event. I appreciate the suggestions. Thanks. But some of us are just not going to be open-water swimmers. I have great respect for those who are.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    From all that I see, it was a wonderful event. I appreciate the suggestions. Thanks. But some of us are just not going to be open-water swimmers. I have great respect for those who are.
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