Valley Forge Marathon Swim

A good read for OW swimmers. By Diana McManus who was a finisher herself.
  • Thanks for the suggestion! Looking at my travel budget so may need to think in terms of Northeast Corridor swims although I have heard good things about Alligator Light. I have my eye on Boston Light eventually, but I'm still not fast enough for that one--but it would be so cool to do it! I did it last year as part of a relay team, and it's a great event--very well-organized! Definitely making sure I stay in shape distance-wise. Yesterday, 5000m, today 3000 yards (or meters, not sure, as today's swim was open water)... I have a great swim group and we do non-competitive open water swims twice a week, as well as pool workouts available 5 days/wk, plus our coach puts on a variety of races, including the VF Marathon swim, and also a 5k/1 mile swim in July and a half mile series during the summer. If you're ever traveling in Philly, PM me, and I'll get you in touch! There are a bunch of good ones out there, depending on what you want to do. I've done quite a few warmer water swims so holler at me if you have questions. You can do a search in this forum and in the blogs to find some race reports. One you might want to consider is the Miami 5k or 10k which is in March. Good way to kick off the season next spring. The only caution I have for you on that one is that the last 2 years, it's been on a very narrow course. They got a lot of feedback that it was dangerous with so many newbies on the course and said that they'd look into changing it up next year. - Kari
  • Thanks for the suggestion! Looking at my travel budget so may need to think in terms of Northeast Corridor swims although I have heard good things about Alligator Light. I have my eye on Boston Light eventually, but I'm still not fast enough for that one--but it would be so cool to do it! I did it last year as part of a relay team, and it's a great event--very well-organized! Definitely making sure I stay in shape distance-wise. Yesterday, 5000m, today 3000 yards (or meters, not sure, as today's swim was open water)... I have a great swim group and we do non-competitive open water swims twice a week, as well as pool workouts available 5 days/wk, plus our coach puts on a variety of races, including the VF Marathon swim, and also a 5k/1 mile swim in July and a half mile series during the summer. If you're ever traveling in Philly, PM me, and I'll get you in touch! There are a bunch of good ones out there, depending on what you want to do. I've done quite a few warmer water swims so holler at me if you have questions. You can do a search in this forum and in the blogs to find some race reports. One you might want to consider is the Miami 5k or 10k which is in March. Good way to kick off the season next spring. The only caution I have for you on that one is that the last 2 years, it's been on a very narrow course. They got a lot of feedback that it was dangerous with so many newbies on the course and said that they'd look into changing it up next year. - Kari
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