I've seen talk in a thread from a couple of weeks ago about the advantage of wearing a wetsuit and how some people like to put people down because they wear one. It was mentioned that their can be a great advantage by someone that wears a wetsuit.
Given all factors kept equal, in OW, on something like a one mile course what could you expect to gain by wearing a wetsuit versus wearing something like cutoff jeans. Also, what could you expect to gain by wearing a swim cap versus not wearing a swim cap.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Former Member
for me the difference between swimming with our with out a wetsuit is roughly 5 secs/100m so in a mile I would suspet that I would swim atleast 30sec faster.
if the water is colder than 65F I think the advantage would be even more.
as far as cap or no cap, I can't say it would make a difference, since every OW race or practice I have had I wear a cap. in races because it's got your number on it, and on my own so people can see my head when swimming.
Ouch! Last night caught me off guard enough by how much time I dropped compared to as recently as Sunday on the first .9 mile leg. Heck I was 40 seconds faster than I had ever been and I was swimming in cutoff jeans last night. Last Thursday when I did the out and back(1.8 mile) swim that I did last night I was in a sleeveless wetsuit and compared to last night I was 3 minutes slower. WOW...what a difference one week of swimming can make. Admittedly, condition may have been a slight bit rougher last Thursday but not all that much rougher. Hence why I was wondering. I'm not sure I would want to try that swim again with the full wetsuit, I might crap in the suit if I did, LOL!
By the way something to think about...
Last week right here on Lake Sunapee someone out paddling their sea kayak saw a a boater coming straight at him. He started waving his paddle high in the air to draw the attention of the 17 year old boater towing a water skiier. It didn't work. The paddler dove out of his kayak into the water. He heard the boat going over him while he was underwater. He came up to find his kayak split in half.
My philosophy is simply...the only good boater...is a dead one.
My second simply philosophy that I've lived by ever since I first swam in open water back in 2005...I don't care if they can see me...can I see them, that's what is most important.
for me the difference between swimming with our with out a wetsuit is roughly 5 secs/100m so in a mile I would suspet that I would swim atleast 30sec faster.
if the water is colder than 65F I think the advantage would be even more.
as far as cap or no cap, I can't say it would make a difference, since every OW race or practice I have had I wear a cap. in races because it's got your number on it, and on my own so people can see my head when swimming.
Ouch! Last night caught me off guard enough by how much time I dropped compared to as recently as Sunday on the first .9 mile leg. Heck I was 40 seconds faster than I had ever been and I was swimming in cutoff jeans last night. Last Thursday when I did the out and back(1.8 mile) swim that I did last night I was in a sleeveless wetsuit and compared to last night I was 3 minutes slower. WOW...what a difference one week of swimming can make. Admittedly, condition may have been a slight bit rougher last Thursday but not all that much rougher. Hence why I was wondering. I'm not sure I would want to try that swim again with the full wetsuit, I might crap in the suit if I did, LOL!
By the way something to think about...
Last week right here on Lake Sunapee someone out paddling their sea kayak saw a a boater coming straight at him. He started waving his paddle high in the air to draw the attention of the 17 year old boater towing a water skiier. It didn't work. The paddler dove out of his kayak into the water. He heard the boat going over him while he was underwater. He came up to find his kayak split in half.
My philosophy is simply...the only good boater...is a dead one.
My second simply philosophy that I've lived by ever since I first swam in open water back in 2005...I don't care if they can see me...can I see them, that's what is most important.