After about 8 years of not doing any open water swims, I found out that I'm going to be on Oahu (housesitting, no less) at the time of the Waikiki swim (2.4 miles) , so I'd like to take part.
I did a 1 1/2 mile swim over the weekend and found myself drifting first to one side then the other. In other words, I probably swam an extra 1/2 mile that I didn't need to.
I swim with a Master's swim team, competed at Nationals in Tempe so I'm in relatively good shape -- for pool swimming. But I've forgotten everything I ever learned about open water swimming.
Any suggestions about training, technique or the Waikiki swim would be helpful....thanks in advance.
Former Member
I just heard that the Waikiki DOUBLE Rough Water Swim Race is set for December 7th? If anyone knows of the website with more info on this race, please let us know. clyde