Looking for advice to a novice on how to prepare for the swim. Things like feeding and hydrating concern me as well as the water temp. Also I keep reading about ear plugs helping.
This will be my first attempt to swim the bay and time is short.
Former Member
I swam yesterday for a mile and the last 10 or so laps seemed to take forever. Today back in the indoor pool was a disaster. Unmotivated. I am not sure if I should bag doing the Chestertown 5 miler or if I should go and do a shorter distance. How is the view of the shoreline for the swim. i tend to use my side view more than lifting when I swim open water stuff.
I swam yesterday for a mile and the last 10 or so laps seemed to take forever. Today back in the indoor pool was a disaster. Unmotivated. I am not sure if I should bag doing the Chestertown 5 miler or if I should go and do a shorter distance. How is the view of the shoreline for the swim. i tend to use my side view more than lifting when I swim open water stuff.