Reston Swim

Former Member
Former Member
For the longest time I have said I will do an open water event after I have properly trained. I have come to realize that I will never be “properly trained” because I never seem to stay in the water. My friend said, “Just bullet sign up – I’m sure you will train then.” So I did, and I have began training, if anything from pure fear of failing. I have to admit it is very exiting and very, very challenging. The event is the Jim McDonnell Lake Swim in Reston, VA, this May. If anyone has any experience and advice, I openly welcome it. Also, I have a question about a “cable swim” – what is it? Thanks for the input, Wayner.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The Reston swim ISN'T going to be a cable swim this year? If not, I hope they change the layout of the course. Otherwise it will look more like a demolition derby than a swim. Still, it is a very well run race. Nice people, good competition. Oh yes, don't stay at the Holiday Inn Express that is closest to the race course - the place is total bedlam and I got no sleep the night before the race the last time I did it.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The Reston swim ISN'T going to be a cable swim this year? If not, I hope they change the layout of the course. Otherwise it will look more like a demolition derby than a swim. Still, it is a very well run race. Nice people, good competition. Oh yes, don't stay at the Holiday Inn Express that is closest to the race course - the place is total bedlam and I got no sleep the night before the race the last time I did it.
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