I have 10k ocean swim experience but want to venture to marathon swim training, this being 24-26 miles. My best 10k is 3hrs 21 min and my best river swim for 4.8 was 2hrs 10 min. I learned to swim late in life 29 and have been gaining open water skills. I'm now a master swimmer and want to swim the above distance. How many months training to reach the above goal , mileage necessary, and swim workouts? I realize currents and weather conditions are a factor in the successful completion for this distance as well. Thank you.
Former Member
Thanks for your replies. It is amazing the amount of mileage the elite marathon swimmers are logging! :eek: I am gearing my training for the Tampa Bay swim within the next two years to finish. What do mortals do for training miles in a week?
I have Penny Dean's book but will seek out Dover Solo as well.
Kim aka Fish
Former Member
Thanks for your replies. It is amazing the amount of mileage the elite marathon swimmers are logging! :eek: I am gearing my training for the Tampa Bay swim within the next two years to finish. What do mortals do for training miles in a week?
I have Penny Dean's book but will seek out Dover Solo as well.
Kim aka Fish