Congratulations to Voni Oreman age 41 for swimming the English Channel!!! 10 hours and 59 minutes! Voni also placed 4th in the USA swimming 10K Championship in Newport Beach, CA with a time 2:31:39.
Voni is a University of Denver Masters Swimmer and a Age Group Swim Coach for the Greenwood Athletic Club in Colorado.:cool:
Former Member
Aliswim -
Hmmmm.... Assuming that you know, what is the issue with what the CSA was and becoming LTD? And why would this be a problem causing a second group to arise? To the curious bystander, it has only looked to be a snitty p@ssing contest.
Aliswim -
Hmmmm.... Assuming that you know, what is the issue with what the CSA was and becoming LTD? And why would this be a problem causing a second group to arise? To the curious bystander, it has only looked to be a snitty p@ssing contest.