Swim Stories

Please share your true swimming stories of remarkable feats, inspiring, interesting or unsual. Today Sat Jan 22nd, 2010 at the end of my blog I retold a story I heard UT Men's assistant coach tell the mens team this morning. Please share yours. I look forward to reading them. Let's gather round the fire and be amazed. Swim Faster Faster, Ande
  • Some people were swimming the 200 fly, 400 IM, & 1650 etc. just to take the 10th-16th places to steal points. My college team used to do that every year at our conference meet. My sophomore year, one of our swimmers trained for the 1M springboard to try to steal points there. He ended up swimming the 400 IM instead though. (If it was me, I'd have given up on the diving idea right around the time the word "reverse" was first uttered :afraid:)
  • Some people were swimming the 200 fly, 400 IM, & 1650 etc. just to take the 10th-16th places to steal points. My college team used to do that every year at our conference meet. My sophomore year, one of our swimmers trained for the 1M springboard to try to steal points there. He ended up swimming the 400 IM instead though. (If it was me, I'd have given up on the diving idea right around the time the word "reverse" was first uttered :afraid:)
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