Swim Stories

Please share your true swimming stories of remarkable feats, inspiring, interesting or unsual. Today Sat Jan 22nd, 2010 at the end of my blog I retold a story I heard UT Men's assistant coach tell the mens team this morning. Please share yours. I look forward to reading them. Let's gather round the fire and be amazed. Swim Faster Faster, Ande
  • The SMU vs. Michigan story reminded me of a dual meet my team (MSU) had against Michigan. Michigan was the best or close to the best team in the Big Ten. We were middle of the pack. Anyway, the meet was at Michigan and we actually could win the meet if we won the 400 free relay. We* had the lead until our anchor hit the water. Michigan's anchor was Gustavo Borges. Borges pretty much buried our guy. All I remember is the wind coming out of our sails in a matter of seconds. I'm sure Urbanchek was never even worried. :) * Just to be clear I wasn't swimming the relay. If I swam at all in this meet it was exhibition!
  • The SMU vs. Michigan story reminded me of a dual meet my team (MSU) had against Michigan. Michigan was the best or close to the best team in the Big Ten. We were middle of the pack. Anyway, the meet was at Michigan and we actually could win the meet if we won the 400 free relay. We* had the lead until our anchor hit the water. Michigan's anchor was Gustavo Borges. Borges pretty much buried our guy. All I remember is the wind coming out of our sails in a matter of seconds. I'm sure Urbanchek was never even worried. :) * Just to be clear I wasn't swimming the relay. If I swam at all in this meet it was exhibition!
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