The SDK Lane

We love to SDK. It's the 5th stroke. It takes skill, strength, flexibility, conditioning & mental toughness. For many it's the 2nd fastest stroke, but it's not a legal stroke. We wish it was legal. We wish there weren't 15 m restrictions in races. We count our kicks because kicks count. We train to SDK faster. Some call SDKs underwaters or dolphins. What are you doing to improve your SDK? How many do you take in each race? Help! My SDK is Horrible! has many tips & a program to get faster. Here's a helpful post in it. What are your SDK times? 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 & 200? Spend some time in the SDK lane & you'll be kicking faster before you know it. the breastroke lane The Middle Distance Lane The Backstroke Lane The Butterfly Lane The SDK Lane The Taper Lane The Distance Lane The IM Lane The Sprint Free Lane The Pool Deck
  • When I started swimming again about 4.5 years ago, I was only taking 2-3 SDK's off each wall. I've slowly developed the ability to take more of them. I mention this because I've had other swimmers ask me how I stay underwater so long. There's no secret - just do as many SDK's as you can off every wall. Over time, you will improve! In training, I'm up to 10+ off every wall in backstroke, usually 7 or 8 in freestyle, and 7+ in butterfly. In short course races, the amount of SDK's I take decreases throughout the race - I take 12 off the start regardless of the event, but might be down to 6 or 7 off the final wall for a longer race. In long course, I try not to decrease as much. In the 400 IM, I've learned not to take more than 4-6 SDK's to start the backstroke. Any more will lead to lactic acid issues. I'm not sure why this is true in the 400 IM and not the 200 fly, since I swim the first 100 of those events exactly the same, but there it is. In a short course 400 IM, I try to build the number of SDK's that I take throughout the backstroke, say 4-5-6-7. One interesting effect of all the SDK training is that long breastroke pullouts don't faze me anymore. I did a 200 SCY breastroke in January and was surprised to beat some breastroke specialists in my heat because I outlasted them on the pullouts, especially in the second 100. In long course, they would destroy me!
  • In other words, during a 100m SC(whatever yards or meters), during the second 50 you take between 6 and 10 SDK off each walls? Yeah. Same for the 200 BF? For some reason I specifically remember that in one of the 200 flys that I raced this year, I took 7 SDK's off the final wall. So, yeah. How many meters do you travel under water with 6-10 SDK? I'm not sure. Maybe 8 meters from a pushoff? SDK habits during any duration backstroke event don't interest me at all. Just the butterfly. OK. :)
  • I still kick off the wall in turns at meets. I have one coming up Sat and plan to SDK off the wall as a trial. Just started rotating my turns to the opposite side a couple weeks ago and found that this allowed a much more usable SDK position (left shldr doesn't bend too much). Will there be a "Start Lane"?
  • SDK off of every single solitary wall. Warm-up, EZ swimming, moderate training, and fast racing. Huge mental game at the beginning which soon becomes a great long fast habit.
  • Each swimmer is different Do what works for you & train to improve. Test your ability Michael Ross & Chris Stevenson are 2 of the best masters SDKers, they are great ones to watch & model yourself after. Chris often SDKs, follow his blog He's great at breath control & maintains high kick counts on longer sets. Leslie The Fortress SDKs often, follow her blog here's my SDK kick counts for SC races 50 fr 4 - 6 50 fl 8 - 10 50 bk 10 - 12 50 br 1 off each wall 100 fr 3 or 4 100 fl 6 to 8 100 bk 8 to 11 100 IM fl 8 - 10, bk 10 - 12, br 1, fr 3 to 4 200 IM fl / bk 4 or 5 off each wall, br 1, fr 3 or 4 200 fr 3 or 4 That!!!! Is a very good question. How many do you take in each race (Short Course) Over 50m (requires your SDK to be faster than your top Fly Speed) Over 100m (especially during the second 50) And (I can't wait to get your answers) Over 200? How many of you guys are taking 15m x 8 over a 200 SC?
  • I had ankle surgery this past Nov and now have a ganglion cyst in the same spot. I'm happy to be able to do 1 SDK in free and usually 2 in back. I started with a new team last June while I was in a walking boot and couldn't kick at all. I feel like 1 to 2 SDK is a huge improvement.
  • Do any of these two compete in both 100fly and 200fly? So far, the fastest fly swimmer I came across on this site is Born2Fly I believe, a swimmer to whom I can relate since he does compete in the 200mfly event. Not much SDK though... I consider SDK into Backstroke races as being a completely different animal. How far from the wall does this bring you? And more importantly, what's your breathing pattern during the 100? Can you SDK 6-8 then perform the full stroke portion breathing every 2? During the 200fly, what's your sdk count? Mike and Chris are both national record holders in fly. Mike does only the 50-100. Chris does the 100-200 and hates the 50. He SDKs quite a bit in his 200, but I'm not certain of the # he takes. I'm sure he'll come along and answer. I know he doesn't breathe every other stroke though; he adds a lot of singles even in a 100 fly. I don't swim the 200 fly. :afraid: If I take too many SDKs in a 200 back though, I go into oxygen debt and crash. SDK for back and fly are very different. I take many more in backstroke. My 100 fly might be 10-8-8-7. Forgot to count last time I swam it. Here's how a good SDK can help you in a race, and I was playing it very safe with the 15 meter mark after Chris suffered a costly DQ in the 200. 50 back from LC Nats: YouTube- Leslie's 50 LCM Backstroke National Championship Performance. Here's a recent SCY 50: YouTube- MVI 1033. Hopefully, Chris can post some footage for you too.
  • During your fly events? Which one do you typically compete in? Both the 100 and the 200? Can you take say... 10m SDK off each wall during a 200m BF Short Course? I only really swim fly for my IM races - and occasional 50 & 100 fly in meets for training. I have to glide fly for a 200 and have only done it twice. I prescribe to the more underwater the better because its' less fly to swim. I'm a girl - age 52. Best fly times are my IM leadoff splits which always seems weird to me because those felt cruise and slow. Short course: 29. in the 50 @ 200IM (30.+ in a race) 1:07. in the 100 @ 400IM (1:09.+ in a race) All long long underwater - I don't count the SDKs, I go by feel. Ande tells me I should count them.
  • Do any of these two compete in both 100fly and 200fly? chris, yes mike, no but he does the 200 bk & is in great shape for the 200 fr & IM so he's bound to have a decent 200 FL How far from the wall does this bring you? not sure It takes me 12 kicks to go 15 m at race pace what's your breathing pattern during the 100 FL? every other Can you SDK 6-8 then perform the full stroke portion breathing every 2? sure, no problem During the 200fly, what's your sdk count? I haven't done a 200 fly since I don't know when. I may do one next year, I went 1:53 in college, split it 53 1:00 did one years ago in masters think I was 2:07, pretty sure I can go close to 2:00 if rested fresh & feeling good I'd probably save my legs, go out easy & attempt to split it well when I was 18 I went 2:17 LCM out in 1:00 back in 1:17 200 fl & I aren't friends.
  • So in other words, during a 200 you manage to swim 8m under water x 8 length? Thank you very much for this precious information. Charles In a 25 yard pool, the 15 meter marker from the OTHER wall is 8 meters from the wall I just pushed off of. I pretty much always make it to that marker, if not farther, so that's why I guessed 8 meters.