9 Year Old Marvel What? But How?

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Hey everyone, wasn't sure were to put this questions so I decided to place it here. I also wanted to get some opinions from knowlageable swimmers like yourselves so I hope you don't mind me asking this. Here's the story.. My daughter is 9 years old and has been competing for about 8 months but taking swimming lessons since the age of 3. She's extremely descent for her age (about 35 seconds 50 free, 43 seconds 50 fly, 45 seconds 50 back and 43 seconds 50 ***) just to give you an idea. I decided to pull her off the current team as I feel he was not improving enough as her coach did very little technique training and put her in private lessons with someone I think can really help her learn the little things to make her faster. Anyways, here is the other thing. During her swim meets I noticed another 9 year old girl who is swimming with times such as 32 seconds 50 free, 32 seconds 50 fly, 38 seconds 50 *** ect and could not believe it. Keep in mind this girl JUST turned 9! My question is this, How is it that a 9 year old child can swim times as fast as many of the top 11, 12 or 13 year olds? Is this a freak of nature? Is it just good coaching? Physical strength? or what. I did not think it was possible for kids this age to swim so fast. Is there any hope for my daughter to "catch up" to kids like this? I would like to know everyones opinion on youth marvels like this. I believe this kids has gotten as fast as she will get but that's my own personal opinion. She is sort of short and perhaps as she matures other kids will eventually get taller and stronger and catch up to her times? If you were in my shoes what would YOU do with your daughter to help her attain these kinds of times? Thanks
  • I agree with almost everything that most of the swimmers here have said. The thing the saddened me most about his posts was the statement that "Losers" couldn't be happy. That certainly isn't the message I want my three kids to learn...Winning is everything, the only reason to compete. Why did he get so angry? I think people with little insight and introspection get very angry when a mirror is held up to them (I had a similar response to my wife's camera that keeps making me look obese). Most parents that behave the way we think this guy does have little insight. 30 years ago I watched a very talented 14 year old get out the pool at a meet she swam pretty well in and say "I can't believe I have 7 more years of this bullsh*t!" That was pretty sad. Maybe the message has sunk in a little --even if he wont admit it. I hope so. By the way-- I notice a very effective spell checker on the message board!
  • I bet you all are actually a bunch of out of shape 45 year old farts with no life who "claim" to be swimmers. :banana: You guys are nothing but frauds. God how pathetic. I won't deny I am pathetic but why don't you go to a USMS meet and test the waters with us old farts? Put up or shut up.
  • I kind of think this post was a complete joke. It reminds me of the thread where someone posted thoughts about competitive masters swimmers. The opinions RAC expressed were too generically stupid to actually be real. I mean no one actually believes that their kids grades mean anything at age 9, right? Ah, yes, I remember that manufactured thread. At least it didn't precipitate threats of brawling, though perhaps psychotherapy was suggested. What?! I'm sure my 9 year old will go to Harvard. :bolt:
  • What?! I'm sure my 9 year old will go to Harvard. :bolt: Mine's already been there. Beautiful campus, lovely buildings, then she got bored and wanted to go chase the seaguls at the Wharf. Oh you meant as a STUDENT????
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    Yep, I about give up here since most of you regardless of what I have to say refuse to believe what I say and will only believe what you want to believe. Never had I stated that I hover over my daughter and like a hawk trying to give her advice. Actually, just got back from her practice about 6 hours ago and it was fine and dandy. She had a hard but good practice, went down the water slide a number of times and had a smoothie afterwards no problem whatsoever. She says she likes her new teacher, the kids, the atmosphere so it seems me pulling her off the team and putting her here was the better choice so deal with it. None of you can point out a post that I made where I said I get in her face. In fact, I've stated the opposite more than I can count. I don't mind being the punching bag for some of you but at least back it up with quotes from MY posts and not just assume everything which most of you continue to do. As far as "bragging" goes I don't consider it bragging I consider it "being proud" of your kids accomplishments. I'm sorry if your kids have not had any but why punish me for that. Anyways, I refuse to let people like you bring me down and make me doubt my efforts concerning my kid. I suppose if I told you my kid was a D student and sucked at swimming that would make you pretty happy and feel "right" but that's not the case sorry. In closing, you can all trash me all you want but it won't change the fact that all your accusations have no merit. They are simply accusations. You all are reading what I say but not hearing it. :bow: Jesus, give people a 500 plus post count and their word is law around here. Rediculous.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    Um yeah... wow So my daughter is really fast too. At 7 she is beating my age group times and not far off 10 and under JO cuts in Fl... That said, I don't think it is appropriate to really start pressing her training until she gets closer to her teen years. I want her to have fun! Have the great memories of friends and good-times that I had as a kid in age-group swimming. All the girls that she swims with are great friends. That's hilarious. You make it sound like every team is nothing but sunshine and rainbows at that age. NOT The team my daughter just left was nothing but self centered kids who only talked with other kids their own age. My daughter was ignored and treated like crap on that team and she didn't even do anything to any of these kids. Yeah, fond memories alright. Fact is the older kids were just jealous being beat by a 9 year old kid that's all. You can say all you want about kids being on swim teams to have fun and socialize but at the end of the day many of them want to be #1 period. Kids are human to and they don't like to lose. I don't know what planet you are from but you should get your head out of the clouds.
  • a second tier school... :bolt: Or maybe LSE with your 9 year old. ;) :bolt:
  • My nine year old has already announced that she plans to go to Penn. She also refused to join the swim team (maybe she is smart) -- but told me this morning that she loves to swim "because it feels good." So we go together Sunday afternoon and splash but don't train.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    My read was that the chap has limited competitive swimming experience. He and his daughter are stoked about the sport. We all have seen overbearing parents who crush the desire of their offspring, yet I'm not sure that he is one. I was a bit taken aback with the medal count, George Haines like coaching ability, and the overall feeling, yet he seems to care about his daughter's improvement, not his ego. Bragging about your kids is part of the job. Our little masters community was pretty rude. Good job in promoting the sport.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    This thread is a hoot! Nothing has changed in the 35+ years I've been in the sport. Kids develop at different rates, period. Parents can do a whole lot to just back off. I can't count the number of collegiate swimmers I knew that hung up the goggles their senior year and never came back. That's a lot of yardage to walk away hating something you devoted so much time of an early life. Chances are there aren't all that many Michael Phelps out there that will continue to develop at his pace. In Maryland, lacrosse is king and despite my encouragement for my kids to swim, they have gone full force into lax. The situation is the same for kids and parents there too. A 9 year old with great stick skills can quickly be surpassed in short order by his peers. One of 2 things happen. They keep practicing or they get discouraged. Yes, lax its a team sport and my argument is likely to raise the ire of a few posters, but hopefully you get my point. Tree