Anyone plotting their times on a graph? I can do the 't get it to plot. Does anyone have a file they'd share?
Make sure all the times are in the "time" format before plotting. Best way to do that when entering the time is use the mm:ss.xx format even when times are less than 1:00. (In other words, use 0:59.13, not 59.13).
If you already have a series of numbers entered as (say) 59.13, then you can't just change the cell to the time/date format. If you don't want to re-enter the data, then insert a new column and use the following formula
= /(24*60*60)
and change the format of the formula cell to mm:ss.00 (or just ss.00 if you don't want the 00: prefix).
Anyone plotting their times on a graph? I can do the 't get it to plot. Does anyone have a file they'd share?
Make sure all the times are in the "time" format before plotting. Best way to do that when entering the time is use the mm:ss.xx format even when times are less than 1:00. (In other words, use 0:59.13, not 59.13).
If you already have a series of numbers entered as (say) 59.13, then you can't just change the cell to the time/date format. If you don't want to re-enter the data, then insert a new column and use the following formula
= /(24*60*60)
and change the format of the formula cell to mm:ss.00 (or just ss.00 if you don't want the 00: prefix).