How do you deal with a slow non-stop swimmer in your lane?

Former Member
Former Member
There is a swimmer in our pool whose appearance is "dreaded" by many of us. As soon as she enters your lane and starts her laps, the whole lane gets slowed down for a at least an hour, because, #1, she never stops and never give a chance to others when she's at the end of the pool and is going for another lap while another swimmer had been waiting to start; #2, whenever she encounters someone during the laps (whether in the same or opposite direction), she would continue as if others don't exist, as if it's her own lane and as if she's thinking "get out of my way please"; #3, and that's the most important point: she's slower than all the others in the lane. So everyone else has to slow down because the lane is not so wide, and from time to time you see people try everything they could to get around her, or backstrokers hitting her from behind (and she would still go on like you were just a fly). She usually continues like this for at least one hour, could be 90 minutes. She probably has her rule in mind, to never stop during the lap. That's fine as many of people here do that, but that works only if your speed is comparable to the others sharing the lane. What's the best way to deal with such a fellow swimmer?
  • Turn in the middle of the pool so you can position yourself just in front of the swimmer and at least get part of your swimming done at your preferred speed. It does work better LCM than SCY, though; and it does screw up your own workout. I've also bagged my plans for fast intervals or other swims where my swim times were important and did drills/kick/offstrokes until the offender left. I have encountered some swimmers in public lap swim who are 2:30/50y with a wide scissors kick and flat arm recovery "freestyle". They are impossible to pass or even tap their toes without risking injury. It hurts even watching their technique. One facility "solved" this type of complaint by putting up signs limiting swim workouts to 15 minutes !! It is a very strong argument for training in an organized workout (USMS workout) or shifting your workout times. The folks who swim 6AM are an order of magnitude better caliber than those that swim at 6PM at the fitness club I sometimes swim at. Good suggestions about doing drills when an incompatible swimmer is in one's lane. I have also found that sets of short sprints (25s/50s) are good b/c I can then recheck often to see if another lane has opened up or if the mismatched swimmer has left. I can also then pretty much take a look down the lane to get a sense of when to start and whether there's a "straight shot" path I can thread past the other swimmer. If I'm doing something w/ distance, I commit to it longer and thus don't have a chance to keep an eye out for a lane opening so that I can make the switch before I lose my chance. Fortunately, of late, I haven't had too much of a crowd during my swim periods. Had a nice response yesterday from a swimmer in the next lane (the pool was uncrowded so we each had our own lane). The gent was doing a head-up Weismuller type stroke, and I was doing some 50s. At one point, while we were both pausing at the wall, the man said, "Wow, you must be a pro!" Well, truth to tell, Michael Phelps can do a 100 and then some before I finish a 50 (right now I'm chasing a "blazing" 55 seconds), but it was still a sweet thing to hear! :) In between a couple repeats, I noticed that the man was trying to swim as fast as he could, and so figured he deserved some encouragement. "Not bad!" I said to him--and gently asked if he'd like to try it putting his face in the water--that it might make swimming a bit easier. Then I showed him the breathing. He said he hadn't ever learned the breathing, so was very appreciative and thanked me. Fortunately, the sparsity of swimmers allowed for us each to do our own swim. I can feel as frustrated as anyone when I'm in a lane with someone who is unaware of pool etiquette and whose swimming style is incompatible with mine, but I'm grateful for experiences in which swimmers at different levels can give each other a boost. Heck, how many times does anyone call me a pro in the pool! :) And I was glad I could offer a little help to him.
  • We are lucky in Santa Barbara. The pool is next to the ocean. I would just go back to swimming in the ocean. The cold water is good for you. Real ocean swimmers don't wear wet suits .
  • Yesterday, a couple of teenagers jumped into the lane next to mine, ignoring the person sitting at the opposite end getting ready to swim. They took off from the wall, side by side, swimming as fast as they could with their heads out of the water. Honestly, I'd never seen anyone act like that in the pool.
  • Honestly, I'd never seen anyone act like that in the pool. Stick around long enough and you'll see it plenty. People (kids and teens especially) with no experience with lap swimming etiquette pull this kind of trick all the time. The good thing is 99% of the time they leave after five minutes.
  • The kids will then jump into the splash & grab lane & get away from from the real swimmers lanes, I hope.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    My opinion is she's really not under any obligation to stop. She wants to get in and swim continuously. Sure it would be nice if she stopped to let people pass, but I don't like interrupting my swims for other swimmers, either. I really think the onus is on the faster swimmers to pass her, not for her to stop. The onus is on her to stop at the wall and let the faster swimmer pass.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    She has as much right to a good swim in that lane as you do. Deal with it and get over yourselves. You must be one of these swimmers. That's like driving slow in the fast lane on the road because "you have a right to be there".
  • I just want to put in a word for slow people. I sympathize with those of you who are fast swimmers. I see you guys at my pool, and I wish I could jump in and keep up with you, do what you do. I know it must be frustrating for folks who compete and/or are fast swimmers, but we're not slow because we're lazy or don't want to go faster. For slow pokes, of which I'm one, it's a matter of ability, and it takes time to build up to swimming at a pace where you aren't getting in anyone's way. For the most part, the folks here on the boards are pretty fast. Most of you have been swimming since you were kids. But that's not true for everyone. Most of us try to be respectful and stick to the slow lane, or swim in our own lane. But if the number of lanes is small and shared by people of varying abilities, it's not possible. I think it's the responsibility of both to reach accommodation, but in particular the faster swimmers because you understand safety and are comfortable in the water, you understand the rules of courtesy, whereas the slow swimmer may not be. I applaud the slow swimmer who can go non-stop, because at this point I can't and it frustrates the heck out of me that I have to keep stopping to catch my breath. It makes me want to cry and quit. AJS62680, that's not a fair comparison. I see a lot of people in the "passing" lane going at or below the speed limit, because they can. For slow swimmers, it's not a because I can attitude. It's because I can't. ScarletSwimmer is right, that everyone has a right to be in the pool. If you want to share your love of the sport and encourage others, then teach the less experienced through your example of kindness and support, not with a grumpy get the heck out of my way you're impeding my progress attitude which, unfortunately, I see in a lot of posts.
  • The onus is on her to stop at the wall and let the faster swimmer pass. I disagree. A faster swimmer can pass a slower swimmer easily and then neither party has to stop swimming unnecessarily.