Swimming Stereotypes

Former Member
Former Member
Equipment Rep Trains with every piece of equipment available at all times. The Luddite Trains with nothing. Only uses a loin cloth and goggles in workout. The Barnacle Leaves right on your feet. Couldn't count to five or ten if his life depnded on it. The Coach Not an actual coach, but someone who is consumed with technique. Swimming is a precise set of moves that can be broken down, categorized, and scientifically analyzed. The Jaded Could care less about technique. Just wants to swim and leave the analysis to the eggheads. The Swimaholic Trains at least 10 swimming workouts a week. Anything less is viewed as not trying. Fast Guy who Never Trains Shows up once a month and breaks national records in practice. Hardest Working Man in the Swim Business Trains like a ferocious animal in workout, but has no speed when it comes to racing. Lane Guy Works out in a lane that is far too fast or slow for him. The Crack Guy Dude, pull your swimsuit up or get a bigger size. The Newbie Shows up to practice in board shorts and a scuba mask. _________________ As for myself, I would fall into the categories of Luddite and Jaded. Also, I wrote this from a male perspective, but the women are included as well. Any other stereotypes?
  • The Bulldozer Usually gets in late and dives in right in the middle of warmup. You realize he's there immediately because he always swims right down the center of the lane. His stroke is a little ugly and he's a little bit of a Sammy save-up, but you can't really get too mad at him because he's a nice guy. The Gung-Ho Guy Always starts the set within ten seconds of when the coach is finished explaining it. :rofl::lmao::rofl: I saw a couple of those this week. Gotta love their intensity and passion for swimming!
  • Hidden Treasure-This person can swim like a fish. Can do 200s on 2:40 without any problems. Can do a 500 yard free at 5:50 without going 100%. This person could easily have TT times and could "throw down" at open water swims. But, blatently refuses to do any kind of swim meets or open waters.
  • The Ringer or The Natural Shows up in practice one day and quietly swims very fast. Usually this guy/gal was an ex-collegiate or Age Group swimmer who has taken time off from the sport and is coming back with a vengance. Fast, knows a lot of drills, does not complain, works the sets, usually leads the (correct) lane for him/her. Does not say much about where they swam beforehand unless cornered. Comes to a meet and is amongst the fastest swimmers in the pool Guess this is a composite stereotype but I have seen these types show up at practice.
  • Big Bertha A female version of the Crack Guy whose ill-fitting suits will not cling where they need to leading to unsightly overexposure.
  • Calisthenics Man - Before and/or after his workout, he does a bizarre dryland routine. This routine must be performed at the edge of the pool, as though he might dive in at any moment, but you know he really won't. Also, make sure not to interrupt him, because then he'd have to start over. Toys R Us Woman - She has every toy there is and uses most of them at the same time while plodding through endless splash-free laps: fins and pull buoy, waterproof mp3 player, headphones, cap, goggles, nose clips.... hey if it took me 4 minutes to swim 100 yards, I'd probably need entertainment too.
  • The Charmer a.k.a. *Sigh...* a.k.a. That #%$(@#^& Alternately, he is "sensitive", loves kids, hopes someday to "meet the right girl and have a large family" and that makes the women melt in double-time. Really?! That might cause me to run ... lol Very funny though, LBJ. I'm sure there's a female equivalent to this.
  • AntsyPants-This is someone who has leave on every set. If we are supposed to leave on the 60, this person leaves on the :56 or :57.
  • Really?! That might cause me to run ... lol Very funny though, LBJ. I'm sure there's a female equivalent to this. The Sweet Little Thing Is always a female and of the type that the men on the team feel a need to help and protect. She is literally helpless when it comes to knowledge of swimming, intervals, or meets, or at least pretends she has no understanding of such things. If she is a good swimmer, then she is naive about matters outside of swimming. Helps to be under 5'3" and less than 115 pounds so as to not be intimidating in size to the male triathletes in practice. Some overlap with the Swimmer Barbie.
  • The Narcissist Loves to talk about his or her meets, times and training. Loves it when people go on and on about what a fabulous swimmer they are -- would never stop a monologue in this vein. Loves being the center of attention. And never, ever, asks the person they're conversing or swimming with how their own training or meets are going. This is the Opposite of Paul Smith, right wing anti-Title IX Clydesdale though he is.
  • The Leaver - lane leader who (deliberately) starts the next set without waiting for the rest of his lane to even finish warm up. With or without the option of selecting an interval that clearly the rest of the lane cannot keep up.:confused: Two subtypes: The one who wants to get away from slower lane, and the one who is trying to keep up with the faster lane. Everyone else: collateral damage. The Taperer - person on practically a permanent taper since she is always swimming meets. With or without the cheerleading option - doing partial sets, she sits on the deck and cheers on her lane! Motto: Life is too short not to be on a taper. :cheerleader: The Unsung Hero - swimmer that have the most interesting story - especially those that overcame their fear of water or other major life adversities. ;)