How far can you go underwater without a breath?

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Former Member
We were goofing around after practice the other day and decided to see who could swim the farthest underwater. We both went well over 50 meters (the underwater turn was a killer). I opted for dolphin kicking a ways and then switched to the underwater breastroke. I’m not sure which technique is better for distance as opposed to speed. Anyone out there ever make a full 100m underwater? Oh yeah, this can be dangerous because a lot of people pass out. So if you make an attempt, be sure someone is on deck watching you. Perhaps some of you dorks could even put on your competitions suits and monofins and see if it improves your performance. You guys kill me with all your equipment.
  • I don't believe that it is more difficult. My long axis turns are already and always underwater. If you beleive that then I have a drill for you. Tumble Turn - submerge completely as you reach the flags, swim to the wall underwater and perform a flip turn, push off and streamline to the flags and breakout. At no time during the tumble turn can any of your body break the surface of the water be it hands, head, feet, etc. Give those a try and you will see that while you may _think_ you are turning while underwater, your feet are still going at or above the surface of the water during the turn.
  • I don't believe that it is more difficult. My long axis turns are already and always underwater. If you beleive that then I have a drill for you. Tumble Turn - submerge completely as you reach the flags, swim to the wall underwater and perform a flip turn, push off and streamline to the flags and breakout. At no time during the tumble turn can any of your body break the surface of the water be it hands, head, feet, etc. Give those a try and you will see that while you may _think_ you are turning while underwater, your feet are still going at or above the surface of the water during the turn.
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