Training volume for age groupers?

Former Member
Former Member
Good Morning I have posted before and as some may know I am the parent of a 13 year old age grouper. I have a question for all of you coaches and former swimmers as his mom and I have never swam competitively? How much volume should he be swimming at his age? I limit him to three hard workouts per week at this point and one dive practice. He also takes a lesson from a great private coach once a week that is just technique oriented and is just thirty minutes long. His total yardage is probably around 15K per week. Some of the other kids his age are doing twice the volume and the subtle pressure is there. What do you suggest? Thanks Spudfin PS I would rather he study more than swim more........
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I am a parent of two age group boys - one is now a freshman in college. The other boy is now 16. At around 13 yrs. old they were probably swimming 5 days a week. Sometimes a Saturday morning practice was a replacement for a day off weekday. I would guess they swam about 20-25,000 yards in those five practices. During this period they swam for two different teams. One of them, the largest and most famous team in Austin, was a yardage oriented team. Some of them (but not my boys) swim 8-9 practices a week with this team. I believe 5 days a week, 20-25,000 yards is not likely to be "too much" from a physical perspective for the typical USS swimmer. I would hope the training is not just yardage and contains a healthy does of technique work and attention to details. I would be more concerned with attitude and watch for burnout. A 13 yr. old is probably growing, gaining size and strength, and recovers well from strenuous exercise. Make sure they eat and sleep well.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    I am a parent of two age group boys - one is now a freshman in college. The other boy is now 16. At around 13 yrs. old they were probably swimming 5 days a week. Sometimes a Saturday morning practice was a replacement for a day off weekday. I would guess they swam about 20-25,000 yards in those five practices. During this period they swam for two different teams. One of them, the largest and most famous team in Austin, was a yardage oriented team. Some of them (but not my boys) swim 8-9 practices a week with this team. I believe 5 days a week, 20-25,000 yards is not likely to be "too much" from a physical perspective for the typical USS swimmer. I would hope the training is not just yardage and contains a healthy does of technique work and attention to details. I would be more concerned with attitude and watch for burnout. A 13 yr. old is probably growing, gaining size and strength, and recovers well from strenuous exercise. Make sure they eat and sleep well.
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