Swim Rant

here you go, the thread you've been waiting for SWIM RANT RANT to your hearts content about aspects of SWIMMING and SWIMMERS that bug YOU I encourage you to be good natured and hilarious you may find it cathartic Ande
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Fins are one of my biggest annoyances. You know the type, they swim sans fins for a few hundred, come in panting to the wall, put on some fins, and then leave the wall every time I do. Arggg! It is quite satisfying to keep up with or pass somebody using fins though...that makes it all worthwhile.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Fins are one of my biggest annoyances. You know the type, they swim sans fins for a few hundred, come in panting to the wall, put on some fins, and then leave the wall every time I do. Arggg! It is quite satisfying to keep up with or pass somebody using fins though...that makes it all worthwhile.
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