Contoured paddles vs. Flat paddles

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Former Member
Howdy folks, Currently I am using speedo's contoured swim paddles and they work great, but it is time for me to move up to the next size. Is there a difference between these paddles and other "flat" paddles (meaning will one or the other be more effective for training)? Or does it just come down to personal preference? Thanks
  • Originally posted by Fishgrrl Wrong again! What am I wrong about? Just because you like them doesn't mean they are worth a hoot. This is what I don't get about paddles. Let's say they do improve stroke technique. At some point you should not need them anymore so why keep on using them? If you have proper technique then using paddles is a sure fire way to put undue stress on your shoulder with no other benefit. You say paddles force you to use "proper swimming muscles." If you are only using those muscles when using paddles then you have bad stroke technique when not using paddles, and, by default, paddles are not improving this. You should use proper swimming muscles when swimming all the time and not just when you use the paddles. I have yet to see a meet where there is a paddle race.
  • Originally posted by Fishgrrl Wrong again! What am I wrong about? Just because you like them doesn't mean they are worth a hoot. This is what I don't get about paddles. Let's say they do improve stroke technique. At some point you should not need them anymore so why keep on using them? If you have proper technique then using paddles is a sure fire way to put undue stress on your shoulder with no other benefit. You say paddles force you to use "proper swimming muscles." If you are only using those muscles when using paddles then you have bad stroke technique when not using paddles, and, by default, paddles are not improving this. You should use proper swimming muscles when swimming all the time and not just when you use the paddles. I have yet to see a meet where there is a paddle race.
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