I just got Total immersion book yesterday.
Have read part 1 of the book and just started doing the drills today.
It seems an excallent way to swim and definatly will improve my f/s.
But i'm a bit weary because it's so comercail. so my question is,
Is Total immersion as good a way to swim as it makes out?
or is it the best way to learn how to swim?
Are there better books out there that teach you how to swim well(properly)?
Hope that makes sense
Former Member
Robert Kiphuth could not even swim and coached www.ishof.org/65rkiphuth.html There are a lot of good coaches teaching kids who have no more than a red cross certificate. Credentials the worst teachers I have known have all kinds of credentials but they know nothing.
Originally posted by geochuck
Robert Kiphuth could not even swim and coached www.ishof.org/65rkiphuth.html There are a lot of good coaches teaching kids who have no more than a red cross certificate. Credentials the worst teachers I have known have all kinds of credentials but they know nothing.
Your Kiputh didn't coach 2000 and 2004 Olympians.
Coaches who know how to train fast swimmers, they coached 2000 and 2004 Olympians.
Kiputh's inputs are legendary, but obsolete now to fast swimming worldwide.
Originally posted by Ion Beza
and to Indy Gal:
it pays to read first the links that are brought up, as doing the pre requisite homework.
I am looking for documentation regarding Terry Laughlin talking "smack" as you say, about Olympic athletes. I am not going to read through pages and pages of old threads to find your elusive documentation.
Originally posted by scyfreestyler
I am not going to read through pages and pages of old threads to find your elusive documentation.
It's your loss.
For all the debate, no one has addressed the fact that there is no real alternative to TI for most of their students. It's all well and good to praise Murray Stevens and Doug Frost, and if either suddenly offered a clinic for average swimmers I'd be first in line to sign up... heck, they could name their price, charge double what TI does. But they are not going to work with me, now are they? I subscribe to all the swimming magazines and I have seen loads of ads for swim camps and clinics for elite swimmers, but so far TI is the only one who has stepped up to the intermediate-swimmer market.