I just got Total immersion book yesterday.
Have read part 1 of the book and just started doing the drills today.
It seems an excallent way to swim and definatly will improve my f/s.
But i'm a bit weary because it's so comercail. so my question is,
Is Total immersion as good a way to swim as it makes out?
or is it the best way to learn how to swim?
Are there better books out there that teach you how to swim well(properly)?
Hope that makes sense
Something that comes to mind with the current subject matter...
To be unusually pleased with yourself is a sure fire way of offending everyone else.
Ion...A hero in his own mind.
Not only this:
Originally posted by scyfreestyler
Ion...A hero in his own mind.
but also in the mind of like minded people.
You would understand this if you were to try what I described.
Like instead of being born in a country, try to force the conditions to be in demand on merit in that country.
Way harder, huh?
I think I am going to leave this thread, Personal stuff should not be allowed, see you in Stanford in August . Let's not pile on Ion he is a highly qualified something or other..
Originally posted by geochuck
...Personal stuff should not be allowed...
No kidding.
That claim of 54.6, ahead of the World Record of the time, must not have been personal stuff.
For which you collect accolades here.
From dorothyrd, from Terry Laughlin.
It was not impersonating.
No sir.
Originally posted by Ion Beza
Not only this:
but also in the mind of like minded people.
You would understand this if you were to try what I described.
Like instead of being born in a country, try to force the conditions to be in demand on merit in that country.
Ion, if you only knew.
My wife has no grandfather because he was killed in a Nazi death camp in 1945. My mother in law and her mother came to the US after escaping from Hungary and found their way to the US eventually. They fought tooth and nail to get where they are today. Actually my wife's grandmother passed away some years back and my mother in law is now a succesful attorney.
My grandmother married my grandfather in WWII when he was stationed in Monte Cassino, Italy from 1944-1945. She immigrated to this country and learned a whole new way of life.
None of the people I mentioned are swimmers but they all have a great deal of modesty (that means a lack of pretentiousness just so you know)...I never hear them bragging or complaining about how rough they have had it. Especially my mother in law, she never knew her father, she only knew of him. My wifes grandmother saw more bloodshed and brutality on innocent women, children, and men than anybody should ever have to see. All of these women have raised families, owned homes, and had wonderful lives with family and friends that they love.
You might think your life sucks but you have no idea how bad it can get.
Hey I was even faster then that when I beat Dan Sherry in 1961. I even beat *** Hanley in Montreal his time for the 100 yards 47.8 and I beat him in a very slow 52 flat. Also beat Clarke Scholes in 1955 he hung up his swim suit that day and passed up on the Japan USA meet that he was getting ready to go to..
If you read all the posts on UK swim forum and only showing your selective cut and pastes, I would almost respect you. Still afraid to actually accept the callenge I see.
May 19th we are on I am game for a 29sec 50m lc, 400m in July I'll be ready for it. Hey if you win you can say I showed that old 73 year old.
originally posted by Geochuck in response to Ion's Challenge
o.k. I'm willing to bet a bottle of tequila (the good stuff...like Petron or Herradura for example) on George for both the 50 free challenge in May and the 400 meter challenge in July.....who wants some of the action?