What do you think of total immersion?

Former Member
Former Member
I just got Total immersion book yesterday. Have read part 1 of the book and just started doing the drills today. It seems an excallent way to swim and definatly will improve my f/s. But i'm a bit weary because it's so comercail. so my question is, Is Total immersion as good a way to swim as it makes out? or is it the best way to learn how to swim? Are there better books out there that teach you how to swim well(properly)? Hope that makes sense Swifty
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    After swimming and competing for over 30 years, I have had some shoulder injuries. I got Terry's book a few months back, I thought it was great, I could swim farther with less excertion. The YMCA where I swim only teaches this tech. I am hoping to correct poor tech. I developed , so I could swim with shoulder pain. Every swimmer out ther has their own idea what works for them Terry thanks
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    After swimming and competing for over 30 years, I have had some shoulder injuries. I got Terry's book a few months back, I thought it was great, I could swim farther with less excertion. The YMCA where I swim only teaches this tech. I am hoping to correct poor tech. I developed , so I could swim with shoulder pain. Every swimmer out ther has their own idea what works for them Terry thanks
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